Tuesday morning I pedaled 25.3 miles my Schwinn 170. Wednesday I pedaled 25.0 miles. And this morning I cycled another 25.6 miles. The following are a quick summary of key numbers in my Trek.
My overall goal is now to complete 50,000. To date I have completed 38,564.7 miles; 62,063.9 kilometers.
I reached my destination at Echus Montes, a completed distance from the last point, of 960 miles. I am now continuing on to my new goal Lunae Planum, a distance of 460 miles. I am now located at 0.5% of my current destination point goal.
You will have to tune in to where I will jet to next when I complete my total journey on Mars. Jim’s Trek VI will include 11,798.4 miles.
Here are the current stats of my Jim's Trek VI.
Date | Miles |
% Completed |
4-Feb-2019* | 14.8 | 1018 | 63.97% |
5-Feb-2019 | 24.1 | 1049 | 66.48% |
6-Feb-2019 | 24.1 | 1049 | 68.99% |
7-Feb-2019 | 23.5 | 992 | 71.44% |
8-Feb-2019 | 24.0 | 1050 | 73.94% |
9-Feb-2019 | 25.8 | 1282 | 76.62% |
10-Feb-2019 | - | - | 76.62% |
11-Feb-2019 | 25.3 | 1209 | 79.26% |
12-Feb-2019 | 24.5 | 1113 | 81.81% |
13-Feb-2019 | 25.0 | 1173 | 84.41% |
14-Feb-2019 | - | - | 84.41% |
15-Feb-2019 | 25.1 | 1195 | 87.03% |
16-Feb-2019 | 24.8 | 1152 | 89.61% |
17-Feb-2019 | - | - | 89.61% |
18-Feb-2019 | 25.0 | 1174 | 92.22% |
19-Feb-2019 | 25.3 | 1217 | 94.85% |
20-Feb-2019 | 25.0 | 1172 | 97.46% |
21-Feb-2019 | - | - | 97.46% |
22-Feb-2019 | 25.6 | 1254 | 0.50% |
*The date I began Jim's Trek VI; 11,798.4 more miles to reach 50,000.
I am now located at 0.5% of my current destination point goal.
Something to think about and do something about it -
If we as legal and legitimate American taxpayers, subsidize the salaries of the current appointed and assumed staffing of the West Wing and the White House administration, should we not judge their performance based on the expectancies of their jobs and employment as they should benefit the needs of all American taxpayers?
And if all Americans are not receiving the benefits, as most West Wing and White House “employees” pledged to do so, and are currently not fulfilling their sworn obligations on behalf of all Americans, should they not be asked to resign and vacate their offices?

Jim’s Gotta Eat – https://jimsgottaeat.blogspot.com/
Fresh out of the oven - Sourdough Sesame Sesame Sesame Bread.
Did I mention that there is wonderful aroma of Sesame in the kitchen?
Tonight's fare on the menu at Interlake Drive - Big Freedia's 'Booty Poppin' Potatoes.
You'll have to tune in tomorrow to find out how this one stacks up.
Quilting – https://quiltsb.blogspot.com/
Early yesterday morning, Andy and I broke down our Hope Project.
Thanks to Barbara and the Arts Committee at the UUC Octagon Arts Center in Clearwater for accepting and presenting our Hope Project.
This coming Monday, Andy and I will setting up an adapted collection of our Hope Project, to run through April 30, at the Carrollwood Cultural Center in Carrollwood, Tampa. Details to follow.
Also our "Two-Men" display of some of our quilts will be on display through the end of March at the Charles J. Fendig Library on Neptune Street in Tampa.
Follow and like our thoughts and notes at our FB Page Quilts SB.
#QuiltsSB #HopeProject #UnitarianUniversalistsofClearwater#CharlesJFendigLibrary #TwoMen
Our CYaY Update
We've decided to add another freehand element to our CYaY's quilting design.
And it definitely looks like we'll have to remember to do a "lint-away" rubdown when we have finally completed CYaY.
Feel free to ask any questions regarding our work and joint efforts. We'll always attempt to respond to all questions and comments, especially to you for joining us on our quilting journey.
Answer(s) - Andy and I decided, some time ago, that we would like and attempt to try as many as possible quilting techniques and combine them into our quilts and compositions.
#QuiltsSB #CYaY
Genealogy – https://agenealogyhunt.blogspot.com/
This is my 1,784th post. Per Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 218,535 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address - jsmith58a@gmail.com.)
Have a healthy day and smile,