Today I pedaled 21.7 miles on my Schwinn 170. This morning I crossed over 14,200 mile mark – 14,220.9 miles, 22,886.4 kilometers.
I am now about 50 miles from my next virtual destination and goal point. Still on Stuart Highway.
Okay yes I even make mistakes. Today is my 690th day of pedaling my Schwinn Fitness cycles. About 10 days ago when I wrote up my Trek blog I incorrectly typed that it was my 650th day instead of my 680th. I started this crazy journey on December 2, 2012. That was 728 days ago, 1 year 11 months and 28 days. I have not cycled a total of 38 days and so 728 minus 38 equals 690. Yes today is my 690th day. Period.
And who would have thought that leftover Thanksgiving turkey converted to Turkey and Bean Enchilada Stew would have had such tremendous effects on my blood sugar count this morning. I scored a 27 point drop to a resounding 92 mg/dL. Now to try a couple more and then a routine of maintenance.
Turkey and Bean Enchilada Stew – Ingredients: Leftover Turkey, 4 types of Beans, Corn, Celery, Onions, Long Hot Green Peppers (I used a type with a little bite), Garlic, Chicken Broth, Cumin, Salt and Pepper, and Enchilada Sauce. Topped with grated sharp Cheddar Cheese, Tortilla Chips, and Sour Cream.
Oh yeah, I didn’t have the canned or pre-made type of Enchilada sauce so I made my own – Tomatoes, Vegetable Oil, Garlic Powder, Salt, Pepper, Cumin, Water, Chipotle Pepper Powder. Just think a 27 point drop.
Just something to think about – Online article from MNT, 16 April 2014 – Social media: how does it really affect our mental health and well-being?
Beginning December 1st I am gonna try to not “Like” anything on any social media site. I’m not going to stop using or sharing info on these sites; I’m just going to stop "Liking" for a period of 31 days. I wonder what effect this will translate to me. This does not have anything to do whether I do or do not like a specific posting. I will just NOT press the "Like" button. And of course the compulsive part of me is going to track my "wanna Likes"...
This is my 729th Jim’s Trek post. And according to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 56,341 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Turkey and Bean Enchilada Stew – Ingredients: Leftover Turkey, 4 types of Beans, Corn, Celery, Onions, Long Hot Green Peppers (I used a type with a little bite), Garlic, Chicken Broth, Cumin, Salt and Pepper, and Enchilada Sauce. Topped with grated sharp Cheddar Cheese, Tortilla Chips, and Sour Cream.
Oh yeah, I didn’t have the canned or pre-made type of Enchilada sauce so I made my own – Tomatoes, Vegetable Oil, Garlic Powder, Salt, Pepper, Cumin, Water, Chipotle Pepper Powder. Just think a 27 point drop.
Just something to think about – Online article from MNT, 16 April 2014 – Social media: how does it really affect our mental health and well-being?
"In 1971, the first email was delivered. More than 40 years on, social media has taken the world by storm. Social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, are now used by 1 in 4 people worldwide. Such activity may seem harmless, but some researchers suggest social media may affect our mental health and well-being."

This is my 729th Jim’s Trek post. And according to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 56,341 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.