Jim's Trek V, my exercise journey now on my Schwinn 170 from Tampa to parts unknown...

Monday, August 24, 2015

Day 25 ½+++ – (AD 930 ½+++) – 0.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Not On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today my Foot Surgeon sliced open my foot-bottom. At 4:30 am I was not going to get up any earlier to put in any mileage on my Schwinn 170. I will now pause Jim's Trek Part IV at 19,555.4 miles; 31,471.4 kilometers.

Glad to see that the correct foot was labeled. Not sure why my initials are inscribed with a Sharpie…

Definitely the right left foot-bottom.

Recovery room, after some sort of calcified thing-lump was removed. Picture this, one sort of oldish fart in a recovery room with three under-5s. Foot-bottom (me); tonsillectomy and adenoids; ear infection; and bead-stuck-in-ear. Nurse asked whether I needed something. My immediate response…”Get me the hell out of here.”

Doctor’s instruction – 3 days off foot, which means no walking, no dancing, no riding. Return visit to check incision and healing.

Home by 9:15 am. Pain killers provided… (but I haven’t had to take one as yet, and it is now 3:45 pm.)

And of course three of the four Pack are somewhat concerned.  Each had its turn. Tinker will not come near the bandage.

Nurse Bella

Max concerned

Radar feeling the pain

This is my 994th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 76,009 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.

To be continued.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 25 – (AD 930) – 23.1 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Niebla, Andalusia, Spain On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today I pedaled 23.1 miles on my Schwinn 170. My grand totals: 19,555.4 miles; 31,471.4 kilometers.

I am pinpointed on Autopista del V Centenario somewhere west of Seville, Spain.

This is my 993rd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,956 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

I'll be back.  I've still got 21.5% of my overall goal to complete.

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Day 24 – (AD 929) – 22.4 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

And this morning I pedaled 22.4 miles on my Schwinn 170. Recorded totals: 19,532.3 miles; 31,434.3 kilometers.

Today I am located on Calle Araucaria which is appears to be running parallel to A-492. My location, Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain.

My #23 no knead loaf, Cranberry Raisin… Damn, that one was good. Check out Jim’s Gotta Eat – JGE 43 – 22 Most Wanted No-Knead Loaves

This is my 992nd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,909 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Short and to the point today.

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Friday, August 21, 2015

Day 23 – (AD 928) – 22.8 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – From Portugal to Spain On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today I pedaled 22.8 miles on my Schwinn 170. My totals to date have now reached 19,509.9 miles; 31,398.2 kms. Just think less than 500 miles more to go to reach 20,000 miles.

I crossed over the Rio Guardiana from Portugal to Spain this morning.

I am located in Andalusia intersection of N-431 and A-499. All things being equal, I now have 203 miles to go to my next destination and goal point.

According to my calculation I have now completed 78.3% of my overall goal. I will be cycling Saturday and Sunday but I don't think my foot bottom will be healed right away after sliced open on Monday. Once it is healed and according to the numbers I think I would have approximately 268 pedaling days left.

Well my blood sugar jumped 9 points is morning. Last night supper was Cheese Tortellini with Spinach and Tomato and Onions. It was so damn good that I had to eat two bowls full. And of course sauce included heavy cream, whole milk, and Parmesan cheese. It definitely was worth the nine points.

I completed two of those shades of color tests online. Not sure how scientific and/or exact they truly are but… I was able to get them all correct but I did discover that I do have some time distinguishing between shades of purple and blue.

There are now 673 with individuals who filed a Statement of Candidacy (FEC Form 2) with the FEC to register as a 2016 presidential candidate. And of course the media is trying to highlight the number of times the "leading" candidates change feet. I'm just wondering when I will hear and or read something that will make me perk up and decide who I will vote for to represent the as President of the United States.

Loaf #23 is out of the oven. It is a Cranberry Raisin No Knead loaf.

No Knead Loaf #23 - Cranberry Raisin

And it tasted bloody good, especially with cheddar cheese. (Hell yes I'm still watching my blood sugar count.)

This is my 991st post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,833 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Day 22 – (AD 927) – 22.2 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Countdown On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Early afternoon pedaling on my Schwinn 170, I completed 22.2 miles. My totals – 19,487.1 miles; 31,361.5 kilometers.

I am in the Faro District just north of Santa Luzia at N125 121G Tavira, Portugal. Just about 17 more miles and I can chalk up another objective.

Today is World Mosquito Day. Hell we celebrate every other day with a month of parties and celebrations.  Why not? The scourge in my backyard wants to know when I will be setting up the food.

And my blood sugar moved down 3 points to 96. Supper was Slow-cooked Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, Onions and Potatoes and a Karottensalat. And a side of Loaf #22. Excellent meal. Tonight – Spinach Tomato Tortellini.

Started my No Knead Loaf #23, a Cranberry Raisin Bread. Interesting? Check Jim’s Gotta Eat later.

Replacement crown in…but I wanted a diamond, a blue one.

This is my 991st post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,569 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 21 – (AD 926) – 22.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – What Can I Say On My Schwinn 170?

Good Day,

This afternoon I pedaled another 22.0 miles on my Schwinn 170. I’m still cycling and my totals have no reached 19,464.9 miles; 31,325.8 kilometers.

Virtually I am located now on the N125 at about 1 mile south east of Almancil in the District of Faro.

I’m trying to figure out where I will be after the next 4 days. As the saying goes “All good things must come to an end.” My foot-bottom will be “slashed” open in the wee hours of Monday morning next. Doctor has told me that, all-things-being-equal; I cannot cycle until after he examines my foot on the 14th day of recovery. And so my Trek and journey will be put on hold…for a short bit.

And then there is the car accident result, me, possible whiplash. What can I say? Damn, idiot drivers!

Yes I have my diabetes under control. This morning’s early blood sugar count dropped 23 points to 99. Supper last night – Baked Picadillo Zucchini Boats with Green Peas and a quick Salad. Dessert – B&J’s Cherry Garcia Frozen Yogurt. And I am continuing on my regime of NO diabetes medications.

Using the slow-cooker again today – Bratwurst with Sauerkraut and Potatoes.

Finished baking my #22 loaf of No-Knead Bread.

Our quilts are on their way to Cabarrus, North Carolina. USPS tracking records as of 12:30 am this early morning “The item is currently in transit to destination.”

BW 1950 (left) - BW 2010 (right) - JSAB

Tampa Kaleidoscope - JSAB

This is my 990th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,519 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 20 – (AD 925) – 22.2 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Slowly On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

This morning I pedaled, slowly on my Schwinn 170 for 22.2 miles. Grand totals: 19,442.9 miles; 31,290.4 kilometers.

I think I am located at 4 Largo da Igreja which according to the map is at Urbanização Quinta do Rogel. To the south is a perfect place for lunch, Casa de Pasto a Cisterna.

Countdown – 266 miles to next destination and goal point.

Not harping too much about my health but just have to after yesterday...

First I rode my bike.

One-and-a-half – Dealt with an unsubstantiated HOA violation levied against me. (HOAs are only worth 1/2 a time-point.)

Second – Oncologist zapped 4 pre-cancer spots from my forehead.

Third – Foot Surgeon pre-opped (if that is a word) for my foot-bottom surgery next Monday.

Fourth – An extremely inconsiderate asshole rear-ended my car on Dale Mabry, then got mad at me when I stated that I was going to report the accident. She drove off. But we filed a police and an insurance report and were able to find her details via the Internet.

Fifth – Can't take any aspirin because of number three and I don't have any Tylenol in the house.

Sixth – Panicked because I couldn't find some plastic bags that had been put away...I found them. (Needed the plastic bags for three quilts we're shipping to North Carolina.)

So I packed the quilts - BW 1950; BW 2010; and Tampa Kaleidoscope - to go and spent the evening playing the piano.

Seven – Foot Surgeon has told me to keep off my feet for at least 2+ weeks after the operation on Monday.

Oh yeah, Eight... I broke one of the crowns on my front upper teeth. Replacement Thursday and I do not like Gerber foodstuffs.

And I said what the hell; I needed a good Mexican meal from Miguel’s on Kennedy with every possible carb attached… Yes my early morning blood sugar count jumped to 122 mg/dL, up 26 points. It’s a wonder; Corn chips and hot dip; Deep-fried Jalapeño stuffed with Shrimp Smothered with Guacamole and Sour Cream; a Frozen Marguerita; Jumbo Shrimp Fajitas with Steak (I ordered chicken) 3 of them, choked with Cheddar Cheese, Sour Cream, and Pico de Gallo; sides of Beans and Rice; and of course I had to top the meal off with a Fried Ice-Cream concoction dripping with whipped cream, nuts, chocolate and caramel sauces. I ate.

This is my 989th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,465 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Day 19 – (AD 924) – 22.6 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Still On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today I pedaled 22.6 miles on my Schwinn 170…(this is a recording). I have now cycled a total of 431.2 miles as a part of my Jim’s Trek Part IV; overall – 19,420.7 miles; 31,254.6 kilometers.

I am now located at Largo da República 41 and just in time for lunch at the Mini Mercado. I am sort of following the southern coast of Portugal. My next destination and goal point – 288 miles.

I thought I was caught in a time-warp. The culmination of some of my learning to today in 2015 – Art, English, Music, and Fabric…and Computer Software. Thank you Janis Joplin. Prep-school penny loafers, button-down, Montreal Forum, homework assignment, cut the air for the smoke.

A Brief History of Tie-Dye, Molly Bermea, June 2015.

Appointments today. Four frozen on the forehead. Pre-op for left foot-bottom.

Used my new Hamilton slow-cooker to make Thai Turkey Curry Meatballs. Followed the directions to the iota. Found the sauce in the final product had separated. The Meatballs tasted great but I gotta do some research and learning about the separation of the sauce.

This is my 988th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,411 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Day 18 – (AD 923) – 22.5 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Continuing On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

This morning I pedaled another 22.5 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals stand at 19,398.1 miles; 31,218.3 kilometers.

Today I am located at the outskirts of Carrapateira on N268 in the Faro District. Overall I still have 22.1% miles remaining.

Today’s #21 Loaf – Raisin Bread out of the oven.

From an article in the kitchn "The 10 Most Annoying Food Packaging Quirks" I agree with most of them especially #9 about the Paper bags of flour since I am on my No-Knead bread journey, but one comment by @oceandreamer56 stuck out to me “Not to even mention how filthy the carts are that you put your food in”. When did we become a race of humans that are so, so concerned with our sterilized and antiseptic existence that we soon will be buying hamster spheres to roll around and move about?

Got off of my Schwinn and I spent the remainder of the morning and a good part of the afternoon pressure washing our walkways, driveway, and garden border edging. A month ago I received a “Violation” letter from my homeowners association stating that I had to pressure wash the “driveway pavers” at my address. We do not have any “driveway pavers”, and further there was NO reference provided as to what source could be referenced for the “Violation”. I have asked and I am yet to receive any indication of documentary reference. HOAs are a necessity but lack of logic or good sense does not an elected position make.

This is my 987th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,353 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Day 17 – (AD 922) – 23.1 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Doing Well My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Back on my Schwinn 170 this morning I pedaled 23.1 miles. Totals – 19,375.6 miles; 31.182.1 kilometers.

Today I am crossed over into the Faro District. I am still on the N120 and just to the northeast of Odeceixe in Portgual.

Countdown to my next destination and goal point – 312 miles.

My early morning blood sugar count dropped 5 points to 88. Last night supper was an experiment on a homemade Picadillo. A celebration.

I combined and borrowed from a couple of recipes – Cuban-Style Picadillo and Cuban Picadillo, and adjusted to create the one that I thought that I wanted. Ingredients included: Ground Beef; Ground Mild Italian Sausage; Green Bell Pepper; Onion; Garlic; Tomato: Tomato Paste/Sauce; Sherry; Capers; Pimento-Stuffed Olives; Capers; Raisins; Cumin; Oregano; Chili Peppers; Black Pepper; Olive Oil. And yes I had a double helping on long-grain rice…plus a little bit more. Didn’t take any picture, but if you Google “Picadillo Recipe” you’ll get over 306,000 results.

Today’s #21 Loaf – Raisin Bread. Still on track to meet my new x66 habit.

I think it is time to redo our Quilts SB site. Our Sleep Jezebel and Warhol’s Itch have both arrived back home from England, safe and sound. Judge’s comments were fair. We’re still learning.

Sleep Jezebel - JSAB

Warhol's Itch - JSAB

Asked the following question on a couple of quilting forums – “Does anyone know of any venue for display and/or competition where the quilt expectancies are not necessarily “pigeon-holed” (if that makes any sense)?” Not sure if anyone may understand my question. I could reword the question to read “Are there any open/free-form quilt displays and/or competitions?”

This is my 986th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,300 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Friday, August 14, 2015

Day 16 ½ – (AD 921 ½) – 0.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – My Schwinn 170 Rests Today

Good Day,

On the 10th day my legs said “Rest”. My Schwinn 170 takes it 64th of 985 silent days.

How was I to know that my Physical Cycle is at the lowest of low; “a rhythm at -100% (a low) would make life more difficult in that area.”  Synchronicity.

And on the other hand I am Grandpa-Nanny this morning, able to leap high buildings (as long as there is a 15-foot ladder); able to scale mountains (as long as the ski-gondola is working); able to swim the mightiest of oceans (with water wings of course); and able to pedal around the world (as long as the muscles do not degenerate and my bones do not accelerate in inelastic mode).

Back on my Schwinn 170 tomorrow.

This is my 985th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,238 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Day 16 – (AD 921) – 22.2 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Thinking On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

New compound word for me - Idiopathic Polyradiculoneuritis, translated Coonhound Paralysis. Guess what? Guess who? Yup, Radar...the bouncing one, the yowling one, the one with those big ears, he's been diagnosed with Coonhound Paralysis. Yesterday morning, he's fine. Yesterday afternoon I was at the Vet. All-things-being-equal it'll be a number of months to recovery.

Today I pedaled another 22.2 miles on my Schwinn 170. And yes I keep a record of my grand totals – 19,352.5 miles; 31,144.9 kilometers. And obviously I have a reason for my crazy Trek. I have now completed 77.7%...but I got to thinking what I would do when I reach my overall goal. If I don’t continue my journey will I allow the 12 inches that I so patiently lost and have kept off these past 984 days to reappear? Or will I begin to vegetate at the end of 277 more pedaling days? I suppose I could just up my goal I say that I have now completed 64.5% of my revamped goal. I’ve got some thinking to do.

And this morning, on the virtual part of my journey I am located on N120 and Zambujeiras in the District of Beja, Portugal.

Tampa has announced "Port Tampa Bay unveils $1.7 billion plan to develop 45 acres in Channel District"  How nice? I have lived here since about 1981. There have been a number of proposals over the past number of years to build, to enliven, to boost, to bring the future to Tampa. I'm not a cynic...but I am a cynic.

This is my 984th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,182 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Day 15 – (AD 920) – 22.6 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Still On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today 26:6.

This morning I cycled 22.6 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals racked up to date – 19,330.3 miles; 31,109.2 kilometers.

I am located on N120 about 5 miles south of Santiago do Cacém in the area of Setubal. I am still heading south. Having changed my trek and journey to avoid the major highways and roads it now appears that I have about 367 miles to go to arrive at my next destination and goal point.

Countdown – 279 days pedaling remaining.

Today’s saint of the day is St. Jane Frances de Chantal...and the recipe suggested for today is Asparagus and Scrambled Eggs with Bacon. (I like the idea of the dish.  Would I follow this recipe?) I did try to find an image someplace on the Internet but to no avail.  There is not one image that I can see that follows the directions of the recipe.  Guess I will typically follow, the first time, the recipe by the book.

We need her today, in Fort Lauderdale, as she “worked tirelessly helping the sick, and she convinced local political rulers to make special provisions for the sick and the bereaved.” Check out The Nation’s “The City That Outlawed Free Food” by Michelle Chen, February 2015. Also see the blog post by Ravi. S. Iyer dated today “Inhuman! Giving food to homeless illegal in some USA cities.

I changed my mind this morning and made a White Whole Wheat Bread. And I have changed my recipe a bit. This morning’s No-Knead Bread includes 2 cups White Flour; 1 cup White Whole Wheat Flour; ½ teaspoon Yeast; 1 ½ teaspoons Salt; 1 teaspoon Sugar; and 1 ½ cups of lukewarm Water.

Yes it tastes as good as it looks. Only 46 loaves to go.

This is my 983rd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 75,106 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.
