This morning I pedaled 23.8 miles on my Schwinn 170. (And yes this sounds like a recording.) Grand totals in 985 days pedaling – 20,818.2 miles; 33,503.7 kilometers.
Today I made it to my 18th destination and goal point of my Jim’s Trek Part IV journey, Toulouse, France.
Virtually I took a right turn at Toulouse. I am now headed in an easterly direction and continued another 17.4 miles. I am located at D826, 31460 Francarville, France.
My next destination and goal point is just about 121 miles away. Small goals; slow but steady results.
I was asked why I am obsessed with keeping records of my daily numbers, especially early morning blood sugar and my body fat percentage.
My simple response; it helps me to focus on both my diabetes management and my weight control.
In the Fasting Blood Sugar Count chart, the red line, is my daily count and the blue dotted line is a calculated 90-day moving average. Right now I can tell that I need to be concerned, in a positive way, about the types of foods that I am stuffing into my body.

Questions – Is it heartfelt? Is it narcissism? Is it unity? Is it self-expression? Maura Judkis’ article November 15 article in The Washington Post “Is posting support for Paris on Facebook narcissistic, or heartfelt?” appears to address my thoughts and questions.
“When people say, “It could have been me,” they’re making it all about them. But isn’t the point of terrorism that it could have been us — or anyone in the wrong place at the wrong time?”
This is my 1,062nd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this evening, 79,872 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
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