On my 990th day, of pedaling, I cycled another 23.8 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals – 20,936.7 miles; 33,694.4 kilometers.
Yes I am consistent. It appears that I am now averaging 21.14818182 miles per pedaling day. And I still have 15.9% of my overall journey left to complete.
Today I am at 76 Avenue de la Liberté, 34660 Cournonterral, France, population 5,700.
I’m traveling, virtually of course, eastward. My next destination and goal point is about 9 miles.
Early morning blood sugar up 10 points this morning to 113. Overindulgence of pizza and ice cream; hell what should I expect. Nine slices and six scoops.
Son Shine, Daughter Light, Mother’s Treasures – quilting completed, binding attached. Left to complete – Hand-stitch binding, appliqué son and daughter, labels.
I just had to show you a cross view cut of Loaf #56.
I’m just getting tired of closed minded people. The discussion was why learn another language, English is all that I (they) need.
And here are 10 reasons why –
10. Impress people around you
9. Develop confidence
8. Improve your decision making skills
7. Increase your brain power
6. Completely transform your travel experience
5. Improve your employability
4. Study or live overseas
3. Become more open-minded
2. Discover a new culture
1. Meet new people and develop life-long friendships
This is my 1,068th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this evening, 80,155 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
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