Yes I pedaled this morning on my Schwinn 170 and I pedaled another 23.6 miles. I was thinking about taking the pedaling off due the number of errands I had but I knew that I would regret it if I didn’t. So the part that was regulated to the back seat is the writing, not the cycling and not the errands.
My grand totals now stand at 20,983.8 miles; 33,770.2 kilometers. Check out the mileage.
I am located at D572N, 13200 Arles, France. It looks like I am headed in an easterly direction.
From my calculations I believe I have 15.7% of my journey remaining, and that’s of the journey that I began on December 2, 2012. And yes the shadow is the Google Mobile with the camera recording perched on top.
Found this image of a button. I’m not going to say apropos, but then again I’m not going to say that it is not.
My early morning blood sugar dropped 9 points this morning and I recorded 97.
Found this chart on WebMD and it is the consideration of blood sugar levels for adults with diabetes.

My drop this morning could be from last night super Scrapple Scalloped Potato Casserole and Spinach and Garlic Salad.
The Scrapple Scalloped Potatoes looked good in the casserole dish and fresh out of the oven. (KF and SP you should try and make this.)
Once served, it reminded me of a form of homemade Hamburger Helper for someone without a steady and fixed pair of dentures. Tasted good, but I definitely was feeling my age.
All three new quilts – Mother’s Treasures; Son Shine; and Daughter Light have been completed. They will make their way to their new homes here in Florida.
Check out Quilts SB for the upcoming write-ups.
This is my 1,070th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this evening, 80,270 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
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