Good Day,
Yesterday after 1,162 days of pedaling my Schwinn Fitness cycles I am now in a period of denouement. And yes for those etymologists denouement may not be the exact word the I should be using…but where else can I use my 25₵ words.
Yesterday I completed, after 1,162 days, my goal of pedaling the equivalent number of miles that are considered the same distance as the circumference around the equator.
Here are my recorded stats as of my 1,162nd day of pedaling on my Schwinn Fitness cycles.
Location – Home, Tampa, Florida
Start Date – 2 December 2012
End Date – 19 Jun 2016
No. of Days Pedaling – 1,162
No. of Days Not Pedaling – 134
Trek Distance Part I – 4,257.1 miles
Trek Distance Part II – 4,360.0 miles
Trek Distance Part III – 10,362.4 miles
Trek Distance Part IV – 5,912.1 miles
Trek Distance Part V – TBD miles
Grand Total Miles – 24,901.6
Did you notice that Jim’s Trek V does do not record or have any mileage?
This morning that new goal just came to me. Of course I do have to reach the 25,000-mark. (Of course, JK and BB.)
Assuming that I do not want to go back on any diabetic medication, (I’ll never say die), and I need to keep my heart and cholesterol levels at reasonable numbers, (for someone of my young age), and I need a good sleep at nights, and I do not want to become weight bound, and as I am a wee bit beyond the age requirements to make a long, long, long, long journey, I think I have settled on the target number of miles I need to complete.
I’ve got it.
I will be taking at least this week off. And then I will begin Jim’s Trek V. I figure my new targeted goal will take about 737 pedaling days. I wonder if my Schwinn 170 will continue on?
Here’s the clue – I can use my first degree. (I know that RH will be pleased with me.) Why the hell not?
This is my 1,265th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 96,442 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
Jim's Trek V, my exercise journey now on my Schwinn 170 from Tampa to parts unknown...
Monday, June 20, 2016
Day ¼ – (AD 1,162 ¼) – TBD Miles – Jim's Trek Part V – I know that RH will be pleased with me, on My Schwinn 170
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek IV,
Jim's Trek V,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn 170,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Day 257 – (AD 1,162) – 3.7 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – 24,901.6 Miles On My Schwinn Fitness Cycles
Good Day,
This morning I pedaled 3.7 miles on my Schwinn 170. That is all I had remaining.
Today I completed 1,162 days pedaling my Schwinn Fitness cycles and I have cycled the mileage equivalent of circumnavigating the globe. 24,901.6 miles!!!
I have reached my ultimate destination and goal, and the benefits include no more diabetes medications and a reduction of my tummy gut. My early morning blood sugar count this morning clocked in at 92 mg/dL. My calculated A1c and eAG are 5.37 and 107.3, respectively.
This is the end of Jim’s Trek Part IV. I complete Part IV in 257 pedaling days. The distance was 5,912.1 miles; 9,514.6 kilometers.
I began at Porto, Portugal. According to Google Maps I am somewhere in France, located at D69E1, 39400 Longchaumois, France.
Here are my recorded stats as of my 1,162nd day of pedaling on my Schwinn Fitness cycles.
Location – Home, Tampa, Florida
Virtual Location – D69E1, 39400 Longchaumois, France
Start Date – 2 December 2012
Today's Date – 19 Jun 2016
No. of Days Pedaling – 1,162
No. of Days Not Pedaling – 134
Trek Distance – Today 3.7 miles
Trek Distance Part I – 4,257.1 miles
Trek Distance Part II – 4,360.0 miles
Trek Distance Part III – 10,362.4 miles
Trek Distance Part IV – 5,912.1 miles
Grand Total Miles – 24,901.6
Miles to Go to complete goal – 0.0%
Avg. Miles per Day – 21.4
Calories Burned Today – 113
Number of Sit-ups Today – 0 (Hell, I keeping saying I really have to get back to this.)
Weight –168.1 lbs; Total Loss – 10.6 lbs
BMI – 23.5
Fat – 20.1%
Belly Measurement – 32”; Total Loss – 12”
Blood Sugar - 92 mg/dL
A1c – 5.37%
eAG – 107.3 mg/dL
Blood Pressure – 123/70
Age – 64 yrs, 6 mths
This is my 1,264th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 96,376 Pageviews.
Stay tuned for Jim's Trek Part V.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
This morning I pedaled 3.7 miles on my Schwinn 170. That is all I had remaining.
Today I completed 1,162 days pedaling my Schwinn Fitness cycles and I have cycled the mileage equivalent of circumnavigating the globe. 24,901.6 miles!!!
I have reached my ultimate destination and goal, and the benefits include no more diabetes medications and a reduction of my tummy gut. My early morning blood sugar count this morning clocked in at 92 mg/dL. My calculated A1c and eAG are 5.37 and 107.3, respectively.
This is the end of Jim’s Trek Part IV. I complete Part IV in 257 pedaling days. The distance was 5,912.1 miles; 9,514.6 kilometers.
I began at Porto, Portugal. According to Google Maps I am somewhere in France, located at D69E1, 39400 Longchaumois, France.
Here are my recorded stats as of my 1,162nd day of pedaling on my Schwinn Fitness cycles.
Location – Home, Tampa, Florida
Virtual Location – D69E1, 39400 Longchaumois, France
Start Date – 2 December 2012
Today's Date – 19 Jun 2016
No. of Days Pedaling – 1,162
No. of Days Not Pedaling – 134
Trek Distance – Today 3.7 miles
Trek Distance Part I – 4,257.1 miles
Trek Distance Part II – 4,360.0 miles
Trek Distance Part III – 10,362.4 miles
Trek Distance Part IV – 5,912.1 miles
Grand Total Miles – 24,901.6
Miles to Go to complete goal – 0.0%
Avg. Miles per Day – 21.4
Calories Burned Today – 113
Number of Sit-ups Today – 0 (Hell, I keeping saying I really have to get back to this.)
Weight –168.1 lbs; Total Loss – 10.6 lbs
BMI – 23.5
Fat – 20.1%
Belly Measurement – 32”; Total Loss – 12”
Blood Sugar - 92 mg/dL
A1c – 5.37%
eAG – 107.3 mg/dL
Blood Pressure – 123/70
Age – 64 yrs, 6 mths
This is my 1,264th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 96,376 Pageviews.
Stay tuned for Jim's Trek Part V.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Day 256 – (AD 1,161) – 23.6 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – And Now France On My Schwinn 170
Good Day,
Two points to make, as I continue to hack and sputter with this sinus infection. 1. Doctor cleared me of the possibility of pneumonia. Lungs are clear. Good news. 2. I am still able to pedal.
Yesterday I wrote that I was puzzled that even though my calculations stated that I had only one pedaling day left in my crazy trek and journey, I actually have 1.36 days remaining. Today is the next to last day…according to the formatting of decimals.
This morning I pedaled 72 minutes on my Schwinn 170 and I clocked 23.6 miles. My totals are now at 24,897.9 miles; 40,069.4 kilometers. And now I have less than 5.0 miles remaining.
And this morning I completely changed my heading at Geneva, Switzerland. I am now headed in a northeasterly direction and I crossed over to France.
Continuing on, I am now located at Route de Longchaumois, 39310 Lamoura, France.
Tomorrow I complete the Jim’s Trek Part IV. And yes there will be a virtual ribbon and a virtual crowd cheering me as I cross my finish line…
Yes it will be an amazing new era when a woman finally breaks through the glass ceiling, stands at the portico, walks through the doors at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington and proudly accepts the title as President of the United States of America.
Reading for today - "The most thorough, profound and moving defense of Hillary Clinton I have ever seen" as relayed by NewDealer at Daily Kos, June 11, 2016.
This is my 1,263rd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 96,321 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
Two points to make, as I continue to hack and sputter with this sinus infection. 1. Doctor cleared me of the possibility of pneumonia. Lungs are clear. Good news. 2. I am still able to pedal.
Yesterday I wrote that I was puzzled that even though my calculations stated that I had only one pedaling day left in my crazy trek and journey, I actually have 1.36 days remaining. Today is the next to last day…according to the formatting of decimals.
This morning I pedaled 72 minutes on my Schwinn 170 and I clocked 23.6 miles. My totals are now at 24,897.9 miles; 40,069.4 kilometers. And now I have less than 5.0 miles remaining.
And this morning I completely changed my heading at Geneva, Switzerland. I am now headed in a northeasterly direction and I crossed over to France.
Continuing on, I am now located at Route de Longchaumois, 39310 Lamoura, France.
Tomorrow I complete the Jim’s Trek Part IV. And yes there will be a virtual ribbon and a virtual crowd cheering me as I cross my finish line…
Yes it will be an amazing new era when a woman finally breaks through the glass ceiling, stands at the portico, walks through the doors at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington and proudly accepts the title as President of the United States of America.
Reading for today - "The most thorough, profound and moving defense of Hillary Clinton I have ever seen" as relayed by NewDealer at Daily Kos, June 11, 2016.
This is my 1,263rd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 96,321 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles,
Friday, June 17, 2016
Day 255 – (AD 1,160) – 22.4 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Geneva, Switzerland On My Schwinn 170
Good Day,
When is 1 day remaining not equal to 1 day remaining?
Today. I have now completed cycling 99.9% of my fixed goal. And even though my calculations say that I have 1 day left, I know that I can see that I will need 2 more pedaling days to cross the line.
This morning I pedaled another 22.4 miles on my Schwinn 170. My totals to date – 24,874.3 miles; 40,031.4 kilometers.
On the positive note I will be going for the next mile mark. And that will take me one more week. If you think that I will not try for the 25,000 mile you must be crazy.
Today I made it to another goal and destination point, Geneva, Switzerland. I am located at Rue de Lausanne 67B, 1202 Genève, Switzerland.
I made my 137th loaf of No-Knead Bread this morning. It looks great. And fresh out of the oven it’s still crackling.
Only one thing about this damn sinus infection, I can’t smell a damn thing. I cannot take in the amazing odor of fresh baked bread wafting through the house.
This is my 1,262nd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 96,260 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
When is 1 day remaining not equal to 1 day remaining?
Today. I have now completed cycling 99.9% of my fixed goal. And even though my calculations say that I have 1 day left, I know that I can see that I will need 2 more pedaling days to cross the line.
This morning I pedaled another 22.4 miles on my Schwinn 170. My totals to date – 24,874.3 miles; 40,031.4 kilometers.
On the positive note I will be going for the next mile mark. And that will take me one more week. If you think that I will not try for the 25,000 mile you must be crazy.
Today I made it to another goal and destination point, Geneva, Switzerland. I am located at Rue de Lausanne 67B, 1202 Genève, Switzerland.
I made my 137th loaf of No-Knead Bread this morning. It looks great. And fresh out of the oven it’s still crackling.
Only one thing about this damn sinus infection, I can’t smell a damn thing. I cannot take in the amazing odor of fresh baked bread wafting through the house.
This is my 1,262nd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 96,260 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles,
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Day 254 – (AD 1,159) – 23.2 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Laussane, Switzerland On My Schwinn 170
Good Day,
I have not cycled for the past 5 days, and with only 3 days remaining you would have to figure that something really stopped me from getting on my Schwinn Fitness cycle.
Yes something did. It was a bloody drastic bout of a sinus infection that kept me coughing and hacking almost all hours around the clock. And today I still have four more days on the antibiotics but I did give in to my feelings of remorse that I had not got on my Schwinn 170.
So here goes. And I did.
And now I only have 2 pedaling days remaining.
This morning I pedaled 23.2 miles, (hack, hack, sputter, hack), on my Schwinn 170. My totals are now at 24,851.9 miles; 39,995.3 kilometers.
This morning I began the virtual part of my journey at Les Troncs, 1083 Mézières, Switzerland. I continued on my trek through my next destination and goal point of Laussane and I am now located to the west at Route Suisse 5, 1165 Allaman, Switzerland.
Soapbox –
I am a registered Democrat. I am a moderate Democrat. I always vote. And I do not vote along the party lines. I vote for the politician; it is not a matter of which side of the aisle that politician chooses to represent. I vote for politicians that I hope that I can rely on to not be hypocritical… and concerning politicians I am not sure whether I can count that number on my one hand, right or left. (Yes, I am ambidextrous.)
My logical choice was not to vote for Pamela Jo “Pam” Bondi as Attorney General of Florida.
I will stand and I will definitely voice my irritation at politicians who are hypocritical. And today’s choice is, as has been in the past, Florida’s Attorney General Pam Bondi. Ms. Bondi speaks from both sides of her mouth and is a deviant in her role as an elected official. She is of the same mold (and in this case I would attribute this word to the definition of slime and fungus) as Ronda Storms, Michelle Bachmann, and Sarah Palin.
I can only hope that the electorate, whatever her future intentions are, wake up to the degrees of ambiguity and opacity that she has mastered as one hypocritical and contemptible politician.
I have to admit, I like vodka… I am not a connoisseur, but some brands definitely leave an unpleasant after-taste in my mouth.
My morning’s read from Fast Company – “Meet The Man Who Designed Trump’s Vodka Bottle of “Envy and Status”.
This is my 1,261st post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 96,186 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
I have not cycled for the past 5 days, and with only 3 days remaining you would have to figure that something really stopped me from getting on my Schwinn Fitness cycle.
Yes something did. It was a bloody drastic bout of a sinus infection that kept me coughing and hacking almost all hours around the clock. And today I still have four more days on the antibiotics but I did give in to my feelings of remorse that I had not got on my Schwinn 170.
So here goes. And I did.
And now I only have 2 pedaling days remaining.
This morning I pedaled 23.2 miles, (hack, hack, sputter, hack), on my Schwinn 170. My totals are now at 24,851.9 miles; 39,995.3 kilometers.
This morning I began the virtual part of my journey at Les Troncs, 1083 Mézières, Switzerland. I continued on my trek through my next destination and goal point of Laussane and I am now located to the west at Route Suisse 5, 1165 Allaman, Switzerland.
Soapbox –
I am a registered Democrat. I am a moderate Democrat. I always vote. And I do not vote along the party lines. I vote for the politician; it is not a matter of which side of the aisle that politician chooses to represent. I vote for politicians that I hope that I can rely on to not be hypocritical… and concerning politicians I am not sure whether I can count that number on my one hand, right or left. (Yes, I am ambidextrous.)
My logical choice was not to vote for Pamela Jo “Pam” Bondi as Attorney General of Florida.
I will stand and I will definitely voice my irritation at politicians who are hypocritical. And today’s choice is, as has been in the past, Florida’s Attorney General Pam Bondi. Ms. Bondi speaks from both sides of her mouth and is a deviant in her role as an elected official. She is of the same mold (and in this case I would attribute this word to the definition of slime and fungus) as Ronda Storms, Michelle Bachmann, and Sarah Palin.
I can only hope that the electorate, whatever her future intentions are, wake up to the degrees of ambiguity and opacity that she has mastered as one hypocritical and contemptible politician.
I have to admit, I like vodka… I am not a connoisseur, but some brands definitely leave an unpleasant after-taste in my mouth.
My morning’s read from Fast Company – “Meet The Man Who Designed Trump’s Vodka Bottle of “Envy and Status”.
This is my 1,261st post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 96,186 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles,
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Day 253 – (AD 1,158) – 23.2 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Thoughts On My Schwinn 170
After hearing the horrible news this morning, a day after the senseless shooting of Christina Grimmie, from Orlando, I had to get on my Schwinn Fitness cycle and just pedal. This is too, too close to home.
“Florida Nightclub Massacre Is Deadliest Mass Shooting in U.S. History” NBC NEWS, Hasani Gittens and Helen KWong, June 12, 2016.
This is my 1,260th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,971 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Thoughts and peace.
After hearing the horrible news this morning, a day after the senseless shooting of Christina Grimmie, from Orlando, I had to get on my Schwinn Fitness cycle and just pedal. This is too, too close to home.
“Florida Nightclub Massacre Is Deadliest Mass Shooting in U.S. History” NBC NEWS, Hasani Gittens and Helen KWong, June 12, 2016.
This is my 1,260th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,971 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Thoughts and peace.
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles,
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Day 252 ½ – (AD 1,157 ½ ) – 0.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Not On My Schwinn 170
Good Day,
Guess what? Are sinus infections contagious? Bloody hell they are. I’m the current living proof.
Today there will be no pedaling on my Schwinn 170. And the Doctor told me to just take it easy…even though I only have 5 pedaling days remaining.
Question –
“Why Did NASA Issue a $1.1 Million Grant to Study How Alien Life Could Impact Christianity?” – Patheos, Hemrant Mehta, June 10, 2016.
If extraterrestrial life has not been confirmed and faith is based on scripted religion why in the world, or outer world, is money being spent to study something that has not been proven?
This is my 1,259th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,910 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day, (cause I'm trying).
Guess what? Are sinus infections contagious? Bloody hell they are. I’m the current living proof.
Today there will be no pedaling on my Schwinn 170. And the Doctor told me to just take it easy…even though I only have 5 pedaling days remaining.
Question –
“Why Did NASA Issue a $1.1 Million Grant to Study How Alien Life Could Impact Christianity?” – Patheos, Hemrant Mehta, June 10, 2016.
If extraterrestrial life has not been confirmed and faith is based on scripted religion why in the world, or outer world, is money being spent to study something that has not been proven?
This is my 1,259th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,910 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day, (cause I'm trying).
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles,
Friday, June 10, 2016
Day 252 – (AD 1,157) – 22.7 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – 5 Days Left On My Schwinn 170
Good Day,
Today I pedaled 22.7 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals – 24,805.5 miles; 39,920.7 kilometers. That’s the real part.
I am always amazed at the naysayers when one accomplishes something one sets out to do. I’m also tickled especially when one can see from his/her physique that s/he has nothing to do with any type of physical activity as s/he slouches in a chair slurping on a double gulp.
And now for the virtual part. I am located at Route de Villars-sur-Glâne 2, 1753 Matran, Switzerland.
Countdown – 5 more pedaling days, and only 0.4% of my overall goal remaining. I pedaled 1,157 days since December 2, 2012.
This is my 1,258th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,849 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Today I pedaled 22.7 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals – 24,805.5 miles; 39,920.7 kilometers. That’s the real part.
I am always amazed at the naysayers when one accomplishes something one sets out to do. I’m also tickled especially when one can see from his/her physique that s/he has nothing to do with any type of physical activity as s/he slouches in a chair slurping on a double gulp.
And now for the virtual part. I am located at Route de Villars-sur-Glâne 2, 1753 Matran, Switzerland.
Countdown – 5 more pedaling days, and only 0.4% of my overall goal remaining. I pedaled 1,157 days since December 2, 2012.
This is my 1,258th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,849 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles,
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Day 251 – (AD 1,156) – 24.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Bern, Switzerland On My Schwinn 170
Good Day,
Something I’ve always puzzled about.
There seems to be some sort of average trend that when the resistance when I pedal my Schwinn 170 is higher at 15 as compared to 12 I appear to pedal farther. An example, today at resistance level 15 I pedaled 24.0 miles while 2 days ago, with the resistance at 12, I pedaled 23.0 miles. In all cases I pedal for 72 minutes.
My totals today stand at 24,782.8 miles; 39,884.1 kilometers.
This morning I reached another goal and destination point – Bern, Switzerland. According to Google Maps I am located at Brunngasshalde 3, 3011 Bern, Switzerland.
My next destination is about 80 miles away.
Countdown - 6 pedaling days remaining.
Soapbox –
Something to think about. It is almost for sure who is against who regarding the Presidential campaign... but what about the "handshakers" and "baby-kissers" who are vying for the 34 Senate seats?
From the site FiveThirtyEight and by Harry Enton “Senate 2016: The Democrats Strick Back” Interesting breakdown by State and what could be happening come this November vote.
This is my 1,258th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,696 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Something I’ve always puzzled about.
There seems to be some sort of average trend that when the resistance when I pedal my Schwinn 170 is higher at 15 as compared to 12 I appear to pedal farther. An example, today at resistance level 15 I pedaled 24.0 miles while 2 days ago, with the resistance at 12, I pedaled 23.0 miles. In all cases I pedal for 72 minutes.
My totals today stand at 24,782.8 miles; 39,884.1 kilometers.
This morning I reached another goal and destination point – Bern, Switzerland. According to Google Maps I am located at Brunngasshalde 3, 3011 Bern, Switzerland.
My next destination is about 80 miles away.
Countdown - 6 pedaling days remaining.
Soapbox –
Something to think about. It is almost for sure who is against who regarding the Presidential campaign... but what about the "handshakers" and "baby-kissers" who are vying for the 34 Senate seats?
From the site FiveThirtyEight and by Harry Enton “Senate 2016: The Democrats Strick Back” Interesting breakdown by State and what could be happening come this November vote.
“Right now, Republicans hold 54 seats to the Democrats’ 46 (including two independents who caucus with the Democrats). The Democrats have a favorable map in 2016: Of the 34 seats up for grabs, 24 are held by Republicans. Democrats need to net four seats to win control of the Senate if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency and five seats if Donald Trump wins.”
![]() |
The Washington Post – 5 reasons Republicans really, really want Marco Rubio to run for reelection – Amber Phillips, May 31, 2016 |
This is my 1,258th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,696 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles,
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Day 250 – (AD 1,155) – 23.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – 7 Pedaling Days Left On My Schwinn 170
Good Day,
This morning I pedaled 23.0 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals – 24,758.8 miles; 39,845.5 kilometers, And I am still going.
Today, (this is the virtual part), Google Maps has me located at Huttwilstrasse, 4953 Huttwil, Switzerland. And yes I am in Switzerland no matter what you see in the image.
Countdown – 7 pedaling days remaining.
And yes the news is outstanding “…and will become the first woman in the 240-year history of the United States to lead the presidential ticket of a major political party.”
CNN, Stephen Collinson, June 6, 2016 “Hillary Clinton clinches Democratic presidential nomination”
I have a question –
How does nearly 20 complaints from a total number, give or take, of 8.44 million viewers elicit and investigation Ofcom Watchdog? (And the key word is “nearly”.)
I’m not a fashionista, and whatever my thoughts, but 20 complaints. The Guardian, Mark Sweney (June 6, 2016) reported that “BGT cleared over Amanda Holden and Alesha Dixon’s skimpy dresses”.
20 complaints is approximately 0.000237%. Huh? Huh? And how many pence were spent conducting this investigation?
Just wondering if those bouncy play houses that you see at children parties were really a precursor to the creation and experiment of BEAM (Bigelow Expandable Activity Module)?
I have a tremendous idea… Core curriculum – Weather balloon training and design classes from sullen teenagers, and lame-brained politicians. – “Astronauts Enter Inflatable Space Station Module for 1st Time (Video)”, Mike Wall, June 6, 2016.
This is my 1,257th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,600 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
This morning I pedaled 23.0 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals – 24,758.8 miles; 39,845.5 kilometers, And I am still going.
Today, (this is the virtual part), Google Maps has me located at Huttwilstrasse, 4953 Huttwil, Switzerland. And yes I am in Switzerland no matter what you see in the image.
Countdown – 7 pedaling days remaining.
And yes the news is outstanding “…and will become the first woman in the 240-year history of the United States to lead the presidential ticket of a major political party.”
CNN, Stephen Collinson, June 6, 2016 “Hillary Clinton clinches Democratic presidential nomination”
I have a question –
How does nearly 20 complaints from a total number, give or take, of 8.44 million viewers elicit and investigation Ofcom Watchdog? (And the key word is “nearly”.)
I’m not a fashionista, and whatever my thoughts, but 20 complaints. The Guardian, Mark Sweney (June 6, 2016) reported that “BGT cleared over Amanda Holden and Alesha Dixon’s skimpy dresses”.
“Ofcom assessed the complaints but decided that they did not warrant launching a full investigation of a potential breach of the UK broadcasting code.”
20 complaints is approximately 0.000237%. Huh? Huh? And how many pence were spent conducting this investigation?
Just wondering if those bouncy play houses that you see at children parties were really a precursor to the creation and experiment of BEAM (Bigelow Expandable Activity Module)?
I have a tremendous idea… Core curriculum – Weather balloon training and design classes from sullen teenagers, and lame-brained politicians. – “Astronauts Enter Inflatable Space Station Module for 1st Time (Video)”, Mike Wall, June 6, 2016.
This is my 1,257th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,600 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles,
Monday, June 6, 2016
Day 249 – (AD 1,154) – 24.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Just Sweating On My Schwinn 170
Good Day,
Today I pedaled 24.0 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals – 24,735.8 miles; 39,808.5 kilometers.
This morning I am located at Schürhof 2, 6215 Gunzwil, Switzerland.
Countdown – 8 more pedaling days. I have completed 99.3% of my overall goal.
Willie Wonka McDonald’s Japan is giving away a golden chicken McNugget.
And that is the best I can do as I have truly gotten bored with the current Presidential campaign.
Two loaves of bread just out of the oven, #135 White with Bagel Topping and #136 Ray Caraway.
This is my 1,256th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,482 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Today I pedaled 24.0 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals – 24,735.8 miles; 39,808.5 kilometers.
This morning I am located at Schürhof 2, 6215 Gunzwil, Switzerland.
Countdown – 8 more pedaling days. I have completed 99.3% of my overall goal.
Willie Wonka McDonald’s Japan is giving away a golden chicken McNugget.
“McDonald’s Japan is hoping to spark a gold rush by giving away an 18-karat gold chicken McNugget, valued at around $2,000, as part of a social media contest featuring a bizarre new character.
And apparently it’s working.”
And that is the best I can do as I have truly gotten bored with the current Presidential campaign.
Two loaves of bread just out of the oven, #135 White with Bagel Topping and #136 Ray Caraway.
This is my 1,256th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,482 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles,
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Day 248 – (AD 1,153) – 23.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Zürich On My Schwinn 170
Good Day,
This morning I pedaled another 23.0 miles on my Schwinn 170. I passed the 24,700-mile mark. Totals – 24,711.8 miles; 39,769.9 kilometers.
And while I pedal, Tinker believes that she's get her exercise while she stands still and avoids being clobbered by my spinning pedal.
According to my calculations I have only 9 more pedaling days remaining. There is also 0.8% of my goal mileage left.
I have reached another goal and destination point on this crazy Trek and journey, Zürich, Switzerland. I am located at Kasernenstrasse 77A, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland.
And for light reading –’s Kaz Weida has put together, May 31, 2016 - “Your State’s Favorite Reality TV Show”
And maybe I live in the wrong state.
But what happens and where should one live that truly is not into Reality Shows?
This is my 1,255th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,426 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
This morning I pedaled another 23.0 miles on my Schwinn 170. I passed the 24,700-mile mark. Totals – 24,711.8 miles; 39,769.9 kilometers.
And while I pedal, Tinker believes that she's get her exercise while she stands still and avoids being clobbered by my spinning pedal.
According to my calculations I have only 9 more pedaling days remaining. There is also 0.8% of my goal mileage left.
I have reached another goal and destination point on this crazy Trek and journey, Zürich, Switzerland. I am located at Kasernenstrasse 77A, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland.
And for light reading –’s Kaz Weida has put together, May 31, 2016 - “Your State’s Favorite Reality TV Show”
And maybe I live in the wrong state.
But what happens and where should one live that truly is not into Reality Shows?
This is my 1,255th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,426 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles,
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Day 247 – (AD 1,152) – 23.8 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Two Goals On My Schwinn 170
Good Day,
This morning I struggled but I did pedal another 23.8 miles on my Schwinn 170.
The end is too, too close in sight. My totals today 24,688.8 miles; 39,732.8 kilometers
Today I crossed from Meersburg to Konstanz. And I completed 2 of my goals and destination points. I reached Konstanz and I crossed the German Swiss border.
Konstanz is where Andy’s 6-times Great-Grandparents Joannes Conradus and Elizabetha Losserin Bruhammer were married.
And the Google Maps close up is back on.
I am now located at Zürcherstrasse 5, 8500 Frauenfeld, Switzerland.
Countdown - 11 days remaining.
I have a question, I think.
My viewing companion while on my cycle, currently is the mini-series The White Queen.
At one scene there are at least 4 powerful women whose husbands and male members of the families have gone to war. The dramatic scene is that each one of the set of women/woman are each at some church at an alter praying for the success of their mate and/or kin as well as the quick and just death of the enemy they believe to be their opponent and/or oppressor.
Each woman, each group of women are involved in the Roman Catholic Church, and so the expectancy is that they are all praying and entreating of the same God. It is the same GOD that each is expecting a successful answer to her own prayer and appeal. And they all sit at their designated pews in the same church, and supposedly revere the same god.
My question –
Is this, and yes I know there is some dramatic license, true to the aberration and expectancy of some uniform deity?
This is my 1,253rd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,365 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
This morning I struggled but I did pedal another 23.8 miles on my Schwinn 170.
The end is too, too close in sight. My totals today 24,688.8 miles; 39,732.8 kilometers
Today I crossed from Meersburg to Konstanz. And I completed 2 of my goals and destination points. I reached Konstanz and I crossed the German Swiss border.
Konstanz is where Andy’s 6-times Great-Grandparents Joannes Conradus and Elizabetha Losserin Bruhammer were married.
And the Google Maps close up is back on.
I am now located at Zürcherstrasse 5, 8500 Frauenfeld, Switzerland.
Countdown - 11 days remaining.
I have a question, I think.
My viewing companion while on my cycle, currently is the mini-series The White Queen.
At one scene there are at least 4 powerful women whose husbands and male members of the families have gone to war. The dramatic scene is that each one of the set of women/woman are each at some church at an alter praying for the success of their mate and/or kin as well as the quick and just death of the enemy they believe to be their opponent and/or oppressor.
Each woman, each group of women are involved in the Roman Catholic Church, and so the expectancy is that they are all praying and entreating of the same God. It is the same GOD that each is expecting a successful answer to her own prayer and appeal. And they all sit at their designated pews in the same church, and supposedly revere the same god.
My question –
Is this, and yes I know there is some dramatic license, true to the aberration and expectancy of some uniform deity?
This is my 1,253rd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,365 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles,
Friday, June 3, 2016
Day 246 ½ – (AD 1,151 ½) – 0.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Day of Rest From My Schwinn 170
Good Day,
Oregano is blooming this morning, and the Kabocha Squash vine has touched the porch ceiling.
I believe I have only today and one more day of rest from my Trek on my Schwinn 170.
According to my calculations I have just 12 pedaling days remaining until I cross the magic number of miles from my goal of cycling a grand total of 1,164 days.
What am I going to do on the 1,165th day? Yes LD, I would even consider continuing on to Mars…
I am in some what a minor quandary this morning after a discussion last night with a Doctor of whom I was helping with a genealogy search issue.
Somehow we got to discussing diabetes and my Trek. This Doctor was convinced that due to some longevity possibilities resulting from the recent release of some Metformin trial results that I should continue on with my prescription.
Metformin is the drug used to combat diabetes which I have stopped taking partly due to my Trek and resulting diet controls in conjunction with my own Doctors.
Oh yeah " Last year, Medical News Today reported on a study by researchers from the National Institutes of Aging (NIA), which found that mice who received metformin had a 5.83% increase in lifespan, compared with control mice."
Calculating this out and if I have a life expectancy of 70 years this could mean that I would increase my life by another 4.08 years. Is there a difference between 70 and 74 years?
Further the above article I read states about the roundworms used in the study
Do I have a quandary or what?

Soapbox –
Just wondering whether this is dichotomous? Or just politics?
Mar. 22, 2016 - (Miami New Times) - "Donald Trump's Charity Admits Donating to Pam Bondi's Campaign Was a Mistake" , by Kyle Munzenrieder
Jun. 2, 2016 - (The Hill) - "Trump donated to attorneys general who dropped Trump U. inquiries: report", by Harper Neidig
A list to consider - (The New York Times) - Jasmine C. Lee and Kevin Quealy, May 27, 2016 - " The 224 People, Place and Things Donald Trump has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List"
This is my 1,252nd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,283 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Oregano is blooming this morning, and the Kabocha Squash vine has touched the porch ceiling.
I believe I have only today and one more day of rest from my Trek on my Schwinn 170.
According to my calculations I have just 12 pedaling days remaining until I cross the magic number of miles from my goal of cycling a grand total of 1,164 days.
What am I going to do on the 1,165th day? Yes LD, I would even consider continuing on to Mars…
I am in some what a minor quandary this morning after a discussion last night with a Doctor of whom I was helping with a genealogy search issue.
Metformin is the drug used to combat diabetes which I have stopped taking partly due to my Trek and resulting diet controls in conjunction with my own Doctors.
Oh yeah " Last year, Medical News Today reported on a study by researchers from the National Institutes of Aging (NIA), which found that mice who received metformin had a 5.83% increase in lifespan, compared with control mice."
Calculating this out and if I have a life expectancy of 70 years this could mean that I would increase my life by another 4.08 years. Is there a difference between 70 and 74 years?
Further the above article I read states about the roundworms used in the study
"Although these findings in roundworms are promising as an effective anti-aging strategy, Haes notes that further research is needed:
"While we should be careful not to over-extrapolate our findings to humans, the study is promising as a foundation for future research.""
Do I have a quandary or what?

Soapbox –
Just wondering whether this is dichotomous? Or just politics?
Mar. 22, 2016 - (Miami New Times) - "Donald Trump's Charity Admits Donating to Pam Bondi's Campaign Was a Mistake" , by Kyle Munzenrieder
Jun. 2, 2016 - (The Hill) - "Trump donated to attorneys general who dropped Trump U. inquiries: report", by Harper Neidig
A list to consider - (The New York Times) - Jasmine C. Lee and Kevin Quealy, May 27, 2016 - " The 224 People, Place and Things Donald Trump has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List"
This is my 1,252nd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 95,283 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Jim Smith,
Jim's Gotta Eat,
Jim's Trek,
Jim's Trek III,
Jim's Trek IV,
Quilts SB,
Schwinn Fitness Cycles
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