This morning I pedaled my Schwinn 170 21.8 miles. Totals are now 31,441.1 miles; 50,599.6 kilometers.
I have completed 31.0% of the distance to my next destination and goal point. Total miles completed for Jim’s Trek Part V now stand at 6,539.5 miles.
The Holiday Season is not a good time to effectively manage one’s blood sugar glucose levels. The spikes upward and the compensating downs are enough for me to go mad, especially when I love to cook, and I love to eat.

And this morning is the end of the 2017 Fall Soccer season. Grandson #1’s done for some time. And they each got their participation trophy and a cupcake with the most insidious blue frosting. Yeah for little children with blue lips and tongues and no serviettes.
Soapbox –
According to 538's combined algorithm.
Just exactly how low can #45 go?
On Day 330 in Office 36.5%, we have sunk to a new depth.
Wonder if the moving average will ever reach 30.0%?
Quilting –
Check out "OUR SHOW 2017", featuring 8 Fabric Artists and 50+ works of art at the Unitarian Universalists of Clearwater Octagon Arts Center, 2470 Nursery Road, Clearwater, Dec. 8, 2017 - Jan. 10, 2018.
Times: Tues - Fri - 9 am - 12 Noon; Sun - 10 - 10:30 am & 12 Noon - 1 pm.
Our 2 quilts, Not a Partridge and Rainbow Cranes were not juried and accepted to be shown at QuiltCon 2018. Not an issue, there is always another venue that may welcome them. Currently the two of them are on display at OUR SHOW 2017 in Clearwater.
Next time I we will design and create a quilt fit for the “essence” and “qualifications” of the said show and/or competition.
This is my 1,560th post. Per Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 186,137 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
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