There seems to be a strange “mind-game” happening with me now. It appears that I argue with myself each morning as to whether I should get on the bike. I use the excuse for not getting on my Schwinn 170 that nobody gives a damn whether I do it or not… But then I come back with an immediate answer that I should not give any worry about anybody else that it is really only me that is benefiting from the exercise, which of course I am right. (Try repeating all that in one breath.) It is sort of like having a those two little representations of me sitting on my shoulders trying to outdo each other.
Today I am located on Indian Ocean Drive heading north away from Perth in Western Australia. I wonder what the images will look like from here on in for the next good portion of my Trek.
On my virtual Trek I now have 214 more miles to go to reach my next destination and goal point. I am also now 46.97% of the way done with my ultimate goal. This means that it looks like I will be, or I should be pedaling for another 1 and ¾ years. And here’s to that goal.

Obviously I watched what I ate yesterday and supper was a trial experiment of Chinese BBQ Meatballs on Zucchini and Green Pea Fried Rice. And easy preparation with Trader Joes’ Turkey Meatballs and leftover Jasmati Rice. Only thing about the Chinese BBQ sauce was that it must have been bottled in a sodium vat. I just could not get enough water for the remainder of the evening.
We’re sort of in limbo right now regarding our quilt and afghan schedule. We have targeted another 30 quilts and 4 afghan projects.
Jim’s Trek Pageviews are now clocked in at 45,802.
I definitely welcome any comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
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