This morning I pedaled another 21.2 miles on my Schwinn 170.
Total to date – 14,437.5 miles; 23,235.0 kilometers. I have now completed 57.98% of my overall mileage goal.
Today is my 700th day of pedaling a Schwinn Fitness cycle. Since I began on 2 December 2012 I have cycled 700 days and rested 40 days. (Immediate association – Mount Ararat… Hell if I know why?)
I am located on the National Highway 1 in Northern Territory. If my Google Map image looks similar, it is. I’ve already, virtually, cycled this way. This time I am headed in a south-easterly directon.

Today is Noodle Ring Day. Nothing to do with the days in Kindergarten. And yes it is about food. National Noodle Ring Day celebrates a noodle dish baked in a Bundt (that’s pronounced Booonnnnnttte) pan.
Hey I don’t make these things up. Check today’s Wall Street Journal – Today Is National Noodle Ring Day, So If You’ve Got a Bundt Pan, Use It, Clare Ansberry.
Rule of thumb – Read the instructions. Period. Do not try to fit my square block into their square block without reading the fine print attached. Period. What is the definition of "modern"?
A first for me, and I can’t believe it. Last night I watch the 1954 film and musical There’s No Business Like Show Business. I wonder where I have been sleeping. It seems that even though it was originally acclaimed a “critical and box office failure” I was in my fantasy element.
This is my 740th Jim’s Trek post. And according to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 56,971 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
Hey I don’t make these things up. Check today’s Wall Street Journal – Today Is National Noodle Ring Day, So If You’ve Got a Bundt Pan, Use It, Clare Ansberry.
Rule of thumb – Read the instructions. Period. Do not try to fit my square block into their square block without reading the fine print attached. Period. What is the definition of "modern"?

This is my 740th Jim’s Trek post. And according to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 56,971 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
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