Jim's Trek V, my exercise journey now on my Schwinn 170 from Tampa to parts unknown...

Friday, August 4, 2017

Day 233 – (AD 1,395) – 21.1 Miles – Jim’s Trek Part V – On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today I pedaled my Schwinn 170 another 21.1 miles. Totals 29,588.7 miles; 47,618.5 kilometers,

I have now completed 14.0% of the distance to my next destination and goal point. So far, I have pedaled, in the corners of my mind and on the dusty trails of Mars 4,687.1 miles,

And at times during my Brunhammer/Ganzer genealogical research, I may stumble across a sad notice of possible literary reference. This time maybe to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliette.

I'm not sure of any family connection if any, but this has all the elements dramatic pathos.

“Dernière Heure
Paris, 12 avril, 3 h. 30 matin
Mulhouse, 12 avril. - A Guebwiller (Haut-Rhin), un jeune chômer nommé Fréderic Ganzer, âgé de 19 ans, a tué d'un coup de revolver, en plein coeur son amie Marthe Buscher, âgée de 16 ans, puis s'est suicidé en se logeant une balle dans la poitrine.
Les deux jeunes gens avaient décidé de se donner la mort parce que les parents de la jeune fille s'étaient opposés à son union avec le jeune Fréderic Ganzer. Ils ont choisi, pour y mourir, un abri de la grande guerre. C'est là que des promeneurs ont trouvé leures ca-davres.”

Translation -

"Dernière Heure

Paris, 12 April, 3 h. 30 morning

Mulhouse, 12 April. - In Guebwiller (Haut-Rhin), a young unemployed man named Fréderic Ganzer, aged 19, killed a 16-year-old friend Marthe Buscher in a heart-stroke with a revolver and then committed suicide, by firing a bullet in the chest.

The two youths had decided to commit suicide because the parents of the girl had opposed her union with the young Frederic Ganzer. They have chosen, to die there, in a shelter from the great war. This is where strollers found their dead bodies."

This is my 1,496th post. Per Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 179,842 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address - jsmith58@gmail.com.)

Have a healthy day and smile,


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