This morning I cycled another 21.3 miles on my Schwinn 170. I have crossed the 13,200 mile mark…by half-a-mile. My grand total today is 13,200.5 miles and I have now completed 53.01% of my total goal.
I left Broome this morning and I am back on the Great Northern Highway and I am headed in an easterly direction. And it looks like my virtual Trek will take about another 29 days before I finally exit the state of Western Australia.

For $0.99 download Type n Walk if you are so, so stuck on carrying on your cryptic conversation. I figured that this is may be somewhat of a hazard and I wonder what code this may be classified under any “viable” healthcare insurance plan. (And no I do not have this app.)

Did you know that for just $500 you can try to duplicate the $45,000 floating hamster wheel that just didn’t make it to Bermuda? Yes you can buy your own water walking bubble. Hell then the Coast Guard can deposit you with Reza Baluchi and all the crazies in the peninsular state of Florida.
But not only in Florida. Yes you can rent and pretend you are a water walking rodent at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina…$10 for one to three minutes.
No I am not rigging up my Schwinn Fitness cycle and water-cycling to Bermuda...or Jamaica.
Jim’s Trek counted 52,116 Pageviews.
I definitely welcome any comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
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