Today I decided that I did not want to get on my Schwinn 170. This morning I wanted to chuck in the whole damn Trek.

I do believe that I may need a new meter.
All-things-being-equal I still pedaled my Schwinn 170 for 19.9 miles. My totals are 27,584.3 miles; 44,392.7 kilometers.
And it has been a wonder year for the orchids. Another one has bloomed.
Back to my Trek, I have now completed 21.4% of the distance to my next destination and goal point. To date, I have completed 2.682.7 miles on the surface of Mars.
And I have completed 20.2% of my overall Part V goal; or 72.2% of the total miles I intend to finish.
Soapbox –
Question – Where is the estimated $20 billion necessary to continue to build the DJT Wall expected to materialize from? Per The Hill “DHS releases new immigration rules”, Rafael Bernal and Jordan Fabian, Feb. 21, 2017.
“Lawmakers would also need to give the federal government more money to build the wall, which is estimated at roughly $20 billion.”

If one divides $20 billion by 34 that would fare a payout of $589 million each. I do believe that that is a fair allocation of pocket change for each currently elected, confirmed and nominated position of the new Administration.
Just a thought. It certainly would give them something to think about. I do believe Messrs. Flynn and Puzder thought about it.
ES20 update. The inner top has been quilted. About 24" of the border remains
This is my 1,399th post. Per Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 146,990 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
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