Today a complete change to my cycling routine; late this afternoon I pedaled 22.1 miles on my Schwinn 170.
Definition: Obsession – An idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind. Need I say anything more?
And yes, I am not on Mars… But hell the Google satellite image from 1 mile up of my virtual Trek on the North West Coastal Highway certainly brings back recollections of coffee-book pictures of the desolation and red of the planet Mars. (I think I've also seen similarities in some of the fabric dying examples I have been exploring.)
Blood sugar screamed up 13 points this morning and I know the most definite cause. The Fresh Market positions all its candy and confectionary displays just before the check-out registers. Hell it’s like walking through a minefield.
Oh and last night I made some frozen yogurt – Strawberry Banana and White Chocolate. I've had an ice cream maker sitting in my small appliance pantry for years. Well it still works. Ingredients – Strawberry Banana yogurt, Half & Half, Sugar, Frozen Strawberries, and White Chocolate. Sorry no pictures…bit it was so, so good. And did I ever labor. I am allowed indulgence once every couple of months, period.
I live in Florida and I am trying to not get involved with the politics especially in light of the good ole boy and backwoods’ temperament. (And I have to repeat that I am only highlighting Florida because I live here.)
I just perused a reasonable article in The Washington Post, The Fix by Chris Cillizza – “Why Florida’s leading political reporter calls the states politics “bizarre”. In an interview with Tampa Bay Times political editor Adam Smith (no known relation), Smith states “Crist is a unique and remarkable politician, especially in terms of retail politics and personal charm. But he would never be in this position if Florida's Democratic Party weren't on life support. There was simply no bench of strong, well known Democratic candidates to step up and challenge even someone as vulnerable as [Gov.] Rick Scott…”
The choices do not make any sense, and it appears that the voting public truly is just playing a game of political chess without any sense or grasp of the beneficial rules or techniques. It is a game of complete confusion when the current political ads, even though I never believe or trust political ads, are each using the analogous Duke Energy fiasco to blame each other. Enough said.
We have completed and mapped out our design of the quilting for our new HKM-A quilt. The quilt sandwich has been created and the project continues.
Jim’s Trek – 48,149 pageviews.
I definitely welcome any comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.

I live in Florida and I am trying to not get involved with the politics especially in light of the good ole boy and backwoods’ temperament. (And I have to repeat that I am only highlighting Florida because I live here.)
I just perused a reasonable article in The Washington Post, The Fix by Chris Cillizza – “Why Florida’s leading political reporter calls the states politics “bizarre”. In an interview with Tampa Bay Times political editor Adam Smith (no known relation), Smith states “Crist is a unique and remarkable politician, especially in terms of retail politics and personal charm. But he would never be in this position if Florida's Democratic Party weren't on life support. There was simply no bench of strong, well known Democratic candidates to step up and challenge even someone as vulnerable as [Gov.] Rick Scott…”
The choices do not make any sense, and it appears that the voting public truly is just playing a game of political chess without any sense or grasp of the beneficial rules or techniques. It is a game of complete confusion when the current political ads, even though I never believe or trust political ads, are each using the analogous Duke Energy fiasco to blame each other. Enough said.

We have completed and mapped out our design of the quilting for our new HKM-A quilt. The quilt sandwich has been created and the project continues.
Jim’s Trek – 48,149 pageviews.
I definitely welcome any comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.