Today I decided to take a rest day and not continue my pedaling Trek on my Schwinn 170. Something in my legs, apart from the congestion, is telling me “Smith, Just take a day off and ease up.”
I suppose after cycling a total of 751 days, since December 2, 2012 I think I can listen to some innate reasoning. And believe it or not in just about 2 weeks I will have been pedaling my Jim’s Trek Part III, the Australian journey.
Oh by the way there are only 30.1 Million, with a capital “M”, hits when I did a search on Google of the phrase “congestion and exercise”.
Oh and check out this hobby horse-style bike.
SG, you would definitely have to be a competitive Iron-Man to figure this one out.
Today I will be working on a few things –
And let me not forget that I will be figuring out a new dish for supper using Chicken and Calabaza. (I’m over chicken broth and soup.)
I read an interesting article - Artificial Intelligence in Social Media: What AI Knows About You, and What You Need to Know – Olsy Sorokina, Hootsuite, March 13, 2015.
It highlights Facebook’s AI Research; Google DeepMind; Linkedin & Bright; Pinterest & Visual Graph, Kosei. I’m not into anything about one or a number of conspiracy theories. It is just extremely interesting that social media is creating a somewhat full-spectrum of each of us individually.

Here’s one to try. Hell I do it.
Just set yourself up on Google News at Suggested for you. In Google News go to and click on the “Personalize” box. You’ll see under the heading “Personalize Google News” the topic “Suggested for you”. Slide the tab all the way over to the right and just begin to watch and track “your” Google News. What it seems to be in "vogue" is that the conglomerate social media biggies are actually trying to “pigeon-hole” each of its subscribers. So here’s the suggestion, when you click on any item or tag anything, try to be as diverse as possible.
This could relay that Huxley’s 2540 AD, albeit 632 A.F. is closer than we think.
This is my 833rd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 63,936 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
- The drawing of our new quilt Moon Over Bayshore,
- Researching my grandson CK’s grandmother’s maternal Oliver ancestors,
- Tuning my home sound system,
- Spend some time on a couple of swing pieces on my piano,
- The schedule of our new and upcoming quilts, and
- Laundry
And let me not forget that I will be figuring out a new dish for supper using Chicken and Calabaza. (I’m over chicken broth and soup.)
I read an interesting article - Artificial Intelligence in Social Media: What AI Knows About You, and What You Need to Know – Olsy Sorokina, Hootsuite, March 13, 2015.
It highlights Facebook’s AI Research; Google DeepMind; Linkedin & Bright; Pinterest & Visual Graph, Kosei. I’m not into anything about one or a number of conspiracy theories. It is just extremely interesting that social media is creating a somewhat full-spectrum of each of us individually.

Here’s one to try. Hell I do it.
Just set yourself up on Google News at Suggested for you. In Google News go to and click on the “Personalize” box. You’ll see under the heading “Personalize Google News” the topic “Suggested for you”. Slide the tab all the way over to the right and just begin to watch and track “your” Google News. What it seems to be in "vogue" is that the conglomerate social media biggies are actually trying to “pigeon-hole” each of its subscribers. So here’s the suggestion, when you click on any item or tag anything, try to be as diverse as possible.
This could relay that Huxley’s 2540 AD, albeit 632 A.F. is closer than we think.
This is my 833rd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 63,936 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
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