I am writing my Trek journal late today. Thank you BP for the 40 years of reminiscing. Thanks for lunch. Santiago el Grande and BP in one week, talk about the memories.
This morning I cycled 21.4 miles on my Schwinn 170. It looks like I only have another 233.1 miles before I break the 10,000 mile mark. Damn. I never thought that I would last this long…cycling and exercise that is.
Today I am on Greenhill Road at a point between Swamp and Piccadilly Roads in the Adelaide Hills region of South Australia. From what I can read on Google Maps I am just west of the Town of Summertown; population of about 400. Okay and here is a piece of Wikipedia information; Summertown has the distinction of being home to the highest percentage (60%) of people who used a personal computer at home in South Australia. That of course may have changed today as that was according to the 2001 census. I wonder if they are all Facebook friends with each other.

Oh and just a thought, I think that the Food Network is getting more and more removed from its original plan of food preparation. It seems that all the new shows are a combo – Beat the Clock and Chopped. I like cooking to prepare the food. I am not in a competition to sling hash.
Julia Cameron writes in her Finding Water of an individual who appears to be caterwauling.
‘But you don’t understand.’ I can hear her wailing at me.
I understand all too clearly. How many valuable writing hours have I myself wasted on drama? Focused on things that were out of my control, I failed to use the power that I did have, the power to create. It is the voice of my own experience that says to me that when too many people start behaving too badly, I probably am just not working hard enough. Over the years, I have ruefully noticed that when I am on track in my writing, everyone seems to behave much better.
And yes I am reading Julia Cameron.
All kaleidoscopes have been added and appliqued to our new H-3 quilt and wall hanging. The design for the quilting for both our H-2 and H-3 has been decided. 57 blocks have been completed for our new crocheted Afghan #5. Only 83 more to go. each block is 5 ½ inches square. I am now trying to create a 9” square stencil/pantograph for our design to our Equality quilt.
If you are reading this blog and just so happen to be somewhere along my route in Australia please feel free to drop me a line at jsmith58@gmail.com. Certainly would welcome it.
Trying to be healthy,
And enjoy,
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