And I started late this morning on my Schwinn 170. I cycled another 22.0 miles. My total miles are now 12,679.3; 20,405.4 kilometers. This is the real part of my Trek.
I am back and located, headed in an easterly direction, on the National Route 1. I am just west of the former gold rush town of Roeburne in Western Australia. The current population is somewhere about 860. This is the virtual part of my Trek.
I am now 497 miles from my next destination and goal point.

Who would have thought? A Bowflex Insider Q&A interview about my pedaling and cycling – the real part and the virtual part. Check this out... Bowflex Insider: Q&A With Jim Smith
Yes I am still pedaling both in a real and in a virtual way. And to the naysayers – This works for me. I am not trying to sell anything. I am just happy that I can be happy. Period.
And I finally understand. #15 They procrastinate – from the site Just Something – “22 things creative people do differently than the rest. If you're creative, you will understand…”
Jim’s Trek has now racked up 49,515 pageviews.
I definitely welcome any comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
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