Yes it is Gasparilla Day in Tampa. This is the 100th annual celebration where we throw beads and celebrate the raping, plundering, and pillaging of the fair populace of Tampa by the supposed character pirate of José Gaspar. So drink, be merry, catch the beads, and end up in hoosegow.
This morning I pedaled another 21.9 miles on my Schwinn 170. I burned 606 calories. I continue to burn an average 616 calories each time I cycle.
My daily targets on my Schwinn Fitness cycle are just over 20.0 miles and 600 calories in about 70 +/- minutes. These are my real goals.
Meanwhile in Australia I am located, on my virtual Trek, somewhere on Lasseter Highway. I think that there was something wrong with the Google Maps July 2008 camera.
Well I made breakfast, dessert for supper Challah French Toast.
And surprise, surprise, surprise… My blood sugar dropped by 7 points to 104. Strawberries in Orange sauce on Banana Grand Marnier Challah French Toast. Yes I will be posting my ingredients and a few images at Jim’s Gotta Eat. (Hopefully by tonight.)
A new quilt is underway. This one is TBAJ.
This is my 791st Jim’s Trek post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 59,827 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
And surprise, surprise, surprise… My blood sugar dropped by 7 points to 104. Strawberries in Orange sauce on Banana Grand Marnier Challah French Toast. Yes I will be posting my ingredients and a few images at Jim’s Gotta Eat. (Hopefully by tonight.)

This is my 791st Jim’s Trek post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 59,827 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.