Today I cycled 21.3 miles on my Schwinn 170. My grand totals - 151,047.7 miles; 24,217.0 kilometers. And this is the real part.
On my virtual Trek I am still, (this is the boring part), on Stuart Highway in the Northern Territory in Australia.
I definitely do not mean that Australia is boring, I mean that there is just so, so much of a "similar" and "arrid-looking" image of my virtual journey that one can take.
I now have 160 more miles to my slated destination and goal point.
Tried something a wee bit different for supper last night. My ingredients - Kale, Collard Greens, Garlic, Potato, Turnips, Pork Broth, Chicken Broth, Scotch Bonnet Relish, Lemon Juice, Salt and Pepper, and a Poached egg, and a drizzle of Olive Oil. Tremendous and unexpected. I suppose this could have been a vegan concoction if I used vegetable broth instead and cut out the poached egg. Hell, I'm not a vegetarian...but this was almost 95%.

This is my 775th Jim’s Trek post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 58,934 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
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