Good Day,
Max and Tinker are waiting. And waiting... and waiting. (Hell if I know for what?)
Today I cycled 22.0 miles on my
Schwinn 170. Totals – 15,157.6 miles; 24,393.9 kilometers.
I am still on Stuart Highway in the Northern Territory in Australia and I’m headed in a southeasterly direction.
I will soon reach my 52nd overall pedaling, albeit virtual, goal in just 51.0 miles.

And yes, as a follow up, pigging out at an Indian all-you-can-eat buffet line does add blood sugar count points in a negative direction. My early morning blood sugar count this morning jumped up to 115. I suppose 6 plates can do that to this “young” and “svelte” body of mine.
Did I ever mention that I love to eat? Oh and by the way I only put one 1 pound.

Well I don’t really watch much news television, but this morning just before I got on my fitness cycle I was tuned into the
NBC Today Show. The three anchors were discussing a current NFL inquiry and something about Tom Brady and something about footballs.
In the course of the “live” discussion Tamron Hall (I think that's her name) succinctly chimed in, without any hesitation, that the concern was about “
Tom Brady’s deflated balls.”
Incomplete interception…or faux pas. Oh dear.

One of the largest school districts in the nation, right here in Hillsborough County, Florida, and a golden parachute of $1.1 million, Superintendent Mary Ellen Elia is out.
Along with Valdes, board members April Griffin, Sally Harris and Cindy Stuart voted to end Elia’s contract, with members Doretha Edgecomb, Carol Kurdell and Melissa Snively opposed.” (
TBO The Tampa Tribune, Jan. 21, 2015)

Our newly completed
NT Celebration quilt has gone to its new home in Florida.
This is my 781st Jim’s Trek post. According to Blogger
Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning,
59,298 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at
Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
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