All the best for 2017. Celebrate yourself. Celebrate your goals.
December’s Pageviews topped any previously recorded – 8,647.
A very good way to end the year for Jim’s Trek.
And on the first day of the New Year, I pedaled my Schwinn 170 20.5 miles. New Year totals 26,891.9 miles; 43,278.4 kilometers. Now to find out for the next 353 days whether there is an inverse relationship to my pedaling/cardio-exercising and my age. Bloody well hope not. I still have 11,309.7 more miles (or 29.6%) to go to complete my overall goal.
I am now 37.0% of the distance to my next destination and goal point on the surface of Mars; Ada Crater. Today I have just skirted the edges of the crater floor in Arabia Terra region. New Year’s resolution (1) – To complete search of the Martinique 1763-1800 BMD Registers for any possible hint and/or iota of the name Doret. I’m looking for possible evidence of my 3-times Great-Grandmother Marie Ann (née Doret) Smith.
Knoephia Soup something different but there are some good things out of the cold. And now I have made homemade dumplings from Jamaica to North Dakota.
Tonight, I’m going to try Connecticut Steamed Burgers. Interesting recipe in my book “Cook’s Country Eats Local”. Same book where I found the above Knoephia Soup recipe.
And that's another New Year's resolution, #2, to try some different food/recipe at least once a week for the next year.

Question – Has anyone tried Broadway HD?
Countdown to a new an interesting change – 18 Days 10 Hours 38 Minutes and 49 Seconds.
This is my 1,364th post. Per Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 128,184 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address -
Have a healthy day and smile,
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