Today, for my boring report, I pedaled 22.3 miles on my Schwinn 170. Total count – 19,082.9 miles, 30,711.0 kilometers. And yes this is boring, but bloody well I'm consistent on my 909th day of cycling.
I have turned to the southeast on the N109 in the Coimbra District. I am located just north of Carriço in the adjoining District of Leiria. Google Maps now has me recorded with 108 miles remaining to my 1st destination and goal point.
And I have to remember that I am now pedaling, virtually, on the right-hand side of the road.
Countdown – 291 days

“On October 16, 1869, workers in Cardiff, New York, unearthed what appeared to be the body of an ancient 10-foot tall petrified man.” So continues Evan Andrews October 16, 2014 article in History. “The Cardiff Giant Fools the Nation, 145 Years Ago”.
And today we have our Donald Trump: P.T. Barnum With Bad Hair, Mark Salter, Real Clear Politics, July 30, 2015. Will the American electorate wake up? “Either the phoniness in American politics has reached record levels or I’ve grown irremediably cynical in my old age.”
My early morning blood sugar count dropped to 94. I ate one hell of a lot yesterday but I think I just made sure that my carbs were low.
Quilting for our new Roo Royale has been completed. Next step the binding. The new fabric from Spoonflower for our newest piece, It Is A Roo, has arrived. This is a first for us.
Also BW 2010 arrived safely home from its tour. The companion piece BW 1950 is still out there in delivery land.
Found three recipes I've got to try - Spicy Pork Bulgogi; Korean Spiced Kidney Beans; and Baby Potato JoRim.
This is my 971st post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 74,145 Pageviews. Daily Pageviews have dropped by 0.3 to 76.3. Some viewers must becoming somewhat bored.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is our email address.)
Be healthy and enjoy your day.