Jim's Trek V, my exercise journey now on my Schwinn 170 from Tampa to parts unknown...

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Day 208 – (AD 1,113) – 23.3 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Bosnia and Herzegovina On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today I cycled 23.3 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals – 23.790.6 miles; 38,287.3 kilometers.

I crossed the border from Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Google Maps says I am located at Ustanička, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

And guess what? The little Google Maps dude cannot zone in on my location in Ustanička. It appears that all of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a no-go for Google Maps. I can only zoom in to 100 feet above my location at the red marker.

4.5% remaining in my overall set goal.  Guess I'm going to change my direction now and head in a somewhat northerly direction.

I'm watching the percentage miles remaining of my journey quickly decrease, and according to my calculations I have only 56 pedaling days left.  Obviously I cannot stop the exercise and for sure I cannot see myself just taking up more space on the couch in front of the TV.  Any suggestions?  I have thought that in about 10 weeks I do need to have a plan.

Any suggestions?  I'm currently thinking about cutting down on the minutes spent on my Schwinn Fitness cycle.  I thing that I can shorten my time frame from 72 to 60 minutes.

From and article "5 Great Benefits of Caridiovascular Exercise", at Bodybuilding.com by Shannon Clark, Dec. 2015 -

"Cardio is one thing you do not want to overdo in the beginning because spending hour upon hour on a machine at a moderate pace is really not going to give you any further benefits than someone doing a more moderate volume. "
I would presume that if I continue to maintain my 6-day cycle 1-day rest schedule, a reduction to 60 minutes may not make much of a difference to my overall maintenance plan.  All-things-being-equal I calculate that I would reduce, by shortening my time, my average weekly mileage of 132 miles by 22.2 miles a week.  We'll see,

This is my 1,209th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 90,948 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address - jsmith58@gmail.com.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


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