Jim's Trek V, my exercise journey now on my Schwinn 170 from Tampa to parts unknown...

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Day 215 ½ – (AD 1,120 ½) – 0.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Day Of Rest, No Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today is my day of rest. I try to take a pedal-free day every 7th day. And as I only have 48 pedaling days remaining in my overall journey, on this 1,120 ½ day my mind is sort of itching to say to hell with the rest and get on my Schwinn 170 to hurry up and finish. But no, I will be a good host to my muscles. Just think, I only have about 8 weeks of pedaling left.

I’m thinking about a different sort of schedule once I complete my overall goal and know that I have to continue my cardio and exercise regime. I began this crazy Trek 1,238 days ago on the 2nd of December 2012.

I think I just screwed up SIRI. I was asking it a question and it got truncated. The truncated question it thought I asked was “What is 91,629 divided by Y?” SIRI took a fair bit of time trying to think and come up with an answer. When it finally did it linked me to some clothing site. Huh?

What I was trying to ask and calculate was 91,629 Pageviews by 1,216 posts. The average numbers of total daily Jim’s Trek pageviews works out to be 75.4. Not bad for this crazy and off-the-beaten track blog and trek. Hell I’m not making any money but the health benefits are not bad.

Soapbox –

Just wondering whether Jerry Springer, Montel Williams, Ricki Lake, Sally Jesse Raphael, Geraldo Rivera, Rosie O’Donnell, Jenny Jones and et al have signed up to emcee any of the upcoming Reality Presidential Debates?

Have we as an electorate become more obsessed with the visual and verbal display of the side-show than we are concerned of the individual candidates’ platforms?

Thanks LD for your suggestion – Bauernbrot. I have two loaves rising this morning. The No-Knead ingredients: Bread Flour, Rye Flower, Honey, Sourdough Starter, Yeast, Caraway Seeds Salt, and Water. And I am think about a new challenge. You’ll have to check back to either Jim’s Trek and/or Jim’s Gotta Eat to see this one unfold.

Work continues on placing the wing scales on our new triptych quilt Wings. This work in progress certainly is leading us to think and combine techniques. Follow updates at Quilts SB.

Wings - JS AB - 2016 - Progress update

This is my 1,217th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 91,629 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address - jsmith58@gmail.com.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


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