Jim's Trek V, my exercise journey now on my Schwinn 170 from Tampa to parts unknown...

Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 448 – (AD 878) – 23.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part III – It’s Downhill Now on My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

This morning, once again I got on my Schwinn 170 and I pedaled another 23.0 miles. Grand total miles, for those following my Trek is now 18,372.7; 29,568.1 kilometers since I began on December 2nd, 2012. I have been pedaling on my Schwinn Fitness cycles 878 days. Spread over the time from that date I have rested, I believe, a total of 61 days.

I mentioned that I would be trying to stick to the Google Cycling Beta for the remainder of my Trek in Australia. I was able to get off the highway. Today I reached a location at about 52 Guara Grove in Pimpama, Queensland.

And the countdown begins. Just about 30 days, maybe a little less, remaining. And I have picked out the location for my new start of Jim’s Trek Part IV. All-things-being equal once I finish Part III I will still have another 23.8% of my overall journey and Trek to go.

My Google+ Page now has a new URL address - https://plus.google.com/+JimSmithJKLS/ .

My early blood sugar this morning was up 9 points to 112. Been trying to figure out the increase and of course I think I can narrow it down to my food at supper.

I had a large, and I mean a large helping of Shrimp Fried Rice, a good serving of Ina Garten’s Corn Salad, which I made of course.  Later, I pigged out on a batch of the first Hummus I have ever tried to make. It was so good and simple to make that I ate about a cup’s worth of the hummus on crackers. Just read at FitDay.com “if you're trying to lose weight or even just trying to watch the size of your waistline, eating carbs is not a good idea because they make you gain weight in a hurry. If you are actively dieting, you will want to avoid the carbohydrates in foods like hummus dip…

Corn, rice, plus hummus/chick peas equal increased carbs and blood glucose levels. Well I guess I live, I learn.

This is my 939th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 71,914 Pageviews. Pageviews are still standing at about 77 a day. Not bad concerning that this blog has nothing more to offer than a daily journal of an exercise trek and the occasional thoughts of a 63 ½ year-old gent.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek.

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


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