Jim's Trek V, my exercise journey now on my Schwinn 170 from Tampa to parts unknown...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day 139 – (AD 362) – Jim's Trek Part II – The Sequel – 21.0 Miles – Goal Number 33 in Texas on My Schwinn 150

Good day,

This morning I cycled 21.0 miles on my Schwinn 150. On the 362nd just before Christmas I have now cycled 7,223.4 miles.

Well and this morning I reached my 33rd Interlake address goal. Mayfair Lane in Highland Village, Lewisville in Texas. Okay I know that this is an Interlake goal but for the life of me I haven't a clue what the Interlake is doing in the middle of the road.

I continued on another 20.8 miles and I am traveling east on W Parker Road in Plano, Texas. I am at the intersection of Emily Drive.

Now on to number 34. According to Google Maps I only have another 2.0 miles to go to reach this goal.

According to USPS Tracking our two quilts, Blumish Two and Tampa Lightning left Tampa for West Palm Beach yesterday. Arrival deadline is next week. The World Quilt Show – Florida V is January 9-11 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center.

Not much else to write about this afternoon. Work continues on BW 1950 quilt and Vanderbilt afghan.

Be healthy and enjoy,


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