This morning, another 22.4 miles on my Schwinn 150. Total to date 7,067.5 miles.
I am located on US-380 E and soon will be passing through the Town of Throckmorton, Texas; population about 830. I am sort of situated, virtually in about the central north of the State. I have about 160 more miles to get to my 33rd Interlake address goal point.

Now Mrs. Brown very nicely has paid the “Insurance & Delivery fee”. I only have to cough up “their Security fee” which I have to “ask Him how much is their Security fee so that you (I) can pay it”. Now why does Mrs. Linda Brown bring a deity, aka God, into the picture? What does He have to do with the $2.7 sum?
From what I can figure out Mrs. Brown must be living in Venezuela as her email address is And Dr. Mike Walter, I wonder if that he is a PhD or whether he is one of those white coat, (they’re coming to take me away), doctors. His email address has him registered in Albania. The distance from Caracas to Albania is 5,588 miles and then from Albania to Tampa I can add another 5,566 more miles. So that is 11,154 electronic miles just to get $2.70? I don’t think so.
I hope Mrs. Brown and Dr. Walter are enjoying their day.
And just two hours I received another spam-derful email from a Mrs. Olga Safonaca Patarkatsishvili. Okay its Milli Vanilli time. This time Mrs. Olga is asking for my “assistant”.” In her words “i need your assistant”. I didn’t know that I had an “assistant”, except that maybe someone thinks that Andy’s quilting work in well worth tapping into. Mrs. Olga is offering to my “assistant” a share of 30%. Hell isn’t 30% of nothing, nothing?
And from what I have figured out Mrs. Olga, etcetera, etcetera emailed me from Brazil, from the Court of the State of Alagoas. This time this person wants me to respond back to Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, North Carolina. Okay, wonder if Mrs. Olga has a relative who is a transfer student?
Enjoy and be healthy,
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