Jim's Trek V, my exercise journey now on my Schwinn 170 from Tampa to parts unknown...

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Day 195 – (AD 1,100) – 22.5 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

This morning I pedaled another 22.5 miles on my Schwinn 170. My totals: 23,491.1 miles; 37,805.3 kilometers. And in 71 more cycling days I will have crossed my self-imposed finish line.

Have you ever been on the road and seen an open gate and just had the hankering to follow the road inside? Well?

Today I am located at Strada Panoramica Adriatica, 236, 61121 Pesaro PU, Italy. And there’s an open gate.

And after my bike ride this morning I finished first phase of cleaning the pool deck and cage. Beautiful cypress grove in the backyard and I have to say this in a hushed voice…damn beautiful cypress trees in my backyard. This weird winter, spring, fall, and spring, and winter has caused them to shed more than ever. Those blasted needles find their way through the minuscule holes in the screen. And they plug up the screened-in drainage configuration.

Yes there is a cypress swamp in my backyard, but I do enjoy the privacy.

Question – Has anyone tried Konnyaku?

Last night I found a Chinese deliver-to-home restaurant. We’ve lost a considerable number of the same in the past couple of years. And even though I love to cook Asian recipes, which are fair-to-middling quite good, I like to try what’s available in the local circuit and near to home…especially when I do not feel like cooking.

Well we found New Beijing Restaurant off N. Dale Mabry Highway 3.3 miles from my house. I ordered a number of regular off the menu dishes. Expected delivery time frame 45 to 50 minutes. Actual delivery time - 1 ½ hours. There was an overabundance of food and a good many of the dishes had leaked out of the delivery containers. The food was fair to typical.

I did have double helpings, which could explain why my blood sugar this morning had risen 8 points… The receptionist and the delivery person were very pleasant. Will I order from them again? Let’s just say that I may rather drive the short spell down to Yummy House on Waters, 6.4 miles from my house, and pick up.

Yesterday I had an issue with Google Blogger; it keep saying that my blog Jim's Trek did not exist.  I'm not sure if it is Google or MS Windows 10 that may be causing the issue.  It has happened a couple of times.  But Jim's Trek is still here.  If you do have a problem loading Jim's Trek, here are my two URL addresses - http://jimstrek.blogspot.com/ and http://jimstrek.com/.  I finally got it to work in Oracle.

This is my 1,196th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 89,542 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Day 194 – (AD 1,099) – 23.1 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Always On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Spring-to-summer allergies in Tampa, my Tampa. Itchy eyes and sneezing. Pollen, pollen everywhere. Oak pollen, that is.


This morning my results on my Schwinn 170 were identical to those of yesterday: 72 minutes; 23.1 miles pedaled; 712 calories burned. Synchronicity? Maybe. But then again it is also overcast this morning as it was yesterday. It just happened, but I definitely completed my routine today… and yesterday.

Today I am located at Via Raffaello Sanzio, 78, 60019 Senigallia AN, Italy on the virtual part of my journey. I’m right there beside the Clinica Veterinaria Adriatica. Just hope this is not a sign that one of The Pack needs some, even though each one always does, attention.

I’m still trying to learn to make a good sourdough bread. Ingredients: 2 ½ cups Sourdough Starter; scant tablespoon of good Salt; 3 1/3 cups of Bread Flour; and 1 – 1 ½ cups Water.

Dissention in the rank and file… first it started with the half-baked Tea Party activists. And now they may be called the ASNB – the Anti-SCOTUS Nominee Block. 16 Republican senators now say they will meet with President Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland.

Supreme Court Fight: Quarter of Republican Senators Now Back Meetings for Merrick Garland” (Ari Melber, NBC News, Mar 29, 2016)

Bottom line message to Mitch McConnell, the 16 sitting Senate members aspire to re-election…

Supper last night - Chicken and Prosciutto Tortellini in Butter Parmesan Sauce, Roasted Vegetables and Fresh Sourdough Bread. And my blood sugar dropped 1 point to 103.

This is my 1,195th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 89,428 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Monday, March 28, 2016

Day 193 – (AD 1,098) – 23.1 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Quietly On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today I pedaled 23.1 miles on my Schwinn 170. Yes this is boring…but hell I have been consistent. Totals – 23,445.5 miles; 37,731.9 kilometers.

And yes Google Maps now has me located at Strada Provinciale Cameranese, 60131 Ancona AN, Italy…


Terror Network’s Web Sprawls Beyond Brussels and Paris -

Ankara -
Brussels -
Lahore -
San Bernardino -
Paris -
Boston -

This is only the beginnings of the list…

And we’re deliberating about the circus of our presidential campaign and carryings-on.

This is my 1,194th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 89,373 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Day 192 – (AD 1,097) – 23.6 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Humidity, On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

It is Easter, I’m cooking. Bread, hummus, and Peepshi.

What the hell does one do with left over Peeps? Make Peepshi.

Looks like the Tampa humidity has rushed in this year; you know that time of the year when you open up the house and the tile floors are sticky and have that sheen of hell-this-Florida-bear-it-weather. Winter’s gone, summer’s here.

And this morning I pedaled another 23.6 miles on my Schwinn 170. I’ve reached the 23,400-mile mark. My totals – 23,422.4 miles; 37,694.8 kilometers on this 1,097th day of pedaling my Schwinn Fitness cycles. 5.9% remaining.

On the virtual part of my Trek I am now located at Via Edmondo de Amicis, 18, 62012 Civitanova Marche MC, Italy. And I’m stuck in traffic. I’ve got 90.3 miles left to get to my next destination and goal point.

Loaves #108 and #109 out of the oven; Cheese and Hodgepodge Trail Mix respectively. All I can do is experiment and eat. Both are No-Knead breads, even though I actually do a very minimal amount of knead-shaping.

Check out Jim’s Gotta Eat for recipe and my procedure. Definitely not a brain-science. http://jimsgottaeat.com/

Basic ingredients – 13 oz lukewarm water, 1 ½ tsps of salt, 1 ½ tsps sugar 1 ¼ tsps. yeast, 3 ½ cups of either bread or all-purpose flour or a combination thereof, and ¼ to ½+ cups of add-in… Combine everything. 1 ½ hrs. for 1st rise. Use pots with tops: Dutch ovens, Pyrex, etc., put in oven and set to 450° F. As oven and pots are heating the dough is shaped and proofed. When oven reaches 450° F remove tops, carefully, put in shaped and score dough, cover and bake for 30 minutes. Remove tops, bake uncovered for another 15 minutes. That’s it. Remove bread to wire rack. Let cool, then eat.

I think I prefer bread making this way because I like the “artisan look”, and I do not have to make sure that my dough is ever so smooth…

This is my 1,193rd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 89,293 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek - jsmith58@gmail.com. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Day 191 ½ – (AD 1,096 ½) – 0.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Day of Rest On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Day of rest today. No Schwinn 170; 6 days on, 1 day off. Schedule seems to be working quite well.

I think spring has begun. Next week's summer in Tampa.

Last night’s supper, very easy and quick preparation – Shrimp Chorizo Paella. Ingredients: Olive Oil, Chorizo Sausage, Onion, Garlic, Arborio Rice, Green Peas, Seafood and Chicken Stocks, Spanish Saffron, Shrimp, Red Bell Pepper, Smoked Paprika, Cayenne Pepper, Lemon Salt, Pepper, Parsley. Mise en place, bit of prep work on the stove, 20 minutes in the oven, some more time on stove at medium low… Eat, and eat.

And even with the pigging out on glorious Paella, Ice Cream, and Dark-Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels my blood sugar registered this morning at 91 mg/dL.

Loaves #106 and #107 are out of the oven. These are a birthday gift; Raisin (#106) and White (#107) No-Knead loaves of bread.

And here’s something to think about, “This Gadget Can Turn Your Phone Into a 3D Printer”… Gadgets360, March 25, 2016.

“A US-based company claims to have created a portable device that lets users create 3D prints by using the light from their smartphone screen. The gadget called OLO is designed to be simple, consisting of three plastic pieces, one chip, and one motor, all operated by four AA batteries…”

An AHA moment!  I now understand why carpets are not used at gas stations...

This is my 1,192nd post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 89,229 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Friday, March 25, 2016

Day 191 – (AD 1,096) – 22.6 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

This morning I pedaled 22.6 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals – 23,398.8 miles; 37,656.8 kilometers.

Today Google Maps has me now located at Strada Statale 16 Adriatica, 41-89, 63066 Grottammare AP, Italy. I am somewhat northeast of Rome.

I have been watching House of Cards. (I did mention a number of times in my blog Jim’s Trek that one of the secrets to my continuing to pedal and sweat is to watch, without commercials, action movie and/or serial.)

Why is it that the theatrical version of the circus of current day politics has my attention? Is it that it is any different than the present day performances?

Reading today – “The Healthiest People In The World Eat A Lot of Carbs”, HuffPost, Almma Almendrala, March 23, 2016

This is my 1,191st post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 89,155 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Day 190 – (AD 1,095) – 23.5 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Continuing On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

This morning I pedaled 23.5 miles on my Schwinn 170. Guess the cycling of these 1,095 days may have paid off. This morning I received a sort-of compliment – “Humph. Skinny.” And of course I will take any type of accolade.

My totals today – 23,376.2 miles; 37,620.4 kilometers.  And I now have 6.1% remaining of my overall distance goal.  The calculations tell me that I have only 76 more days of pedaling.

On this 190th day of Part IV of this real and virtual Trek Google Maps has me pinpointed at a location at Lungomare Trento, 85, 64026 Roseto degli Abruzzi TE, Italy.

It would seem that some persons just have too much money and just too much time.  Now do not get me wrong, I do love animals and I do love pets... Hell just think of The Pack; four yappy, noisy, in-your-face, speed-bumps.  But at $24,300, and that's for the suit of armor...

I just would like to know if there are annual celebrations of jousting at the GP Renaissance Festivals at Watership Downs.

Today I'm back to breaking down and researching the Smith families of Glasgow in the County of Lanark.  I am targeting those families with children named James and Betsy (and the derivatives).  I am searching between the period of 1760 and 1800.  All-things-being-equal this may, or may not, open a door to the origins of my Great-Great-Great Grandfather James Smith.

This is my 1,190th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 89,071 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Day 189 – (AD 1,094) – 22.5 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Still On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today I pedaled 22.5 miles on my Schwinn 170. Totals – 23,352.7 miles; 37,582.6 kilometers.

I am located at Viale Alcione, 5, 66023 Francavilla al Mare CH, Italy.

This has to be Easter because there isn't any better time that the Republican Party has certainly decided to follow the adage and "go to hell in a hand-basket." And how cracked are all the eggs?

Ted Cruz is the Republican establishment candidate. That’s absolutely insane.The Washington Post, Chris Cillizza, March 23, 2016.

“Don't mistake the establishment's rallying behind Cruz as genuine support for either the man or his ideas. There is a roughly zero percent chance that Jeb Bush, for instance, thinks Ted Cruz is a great pick to be the Republican nominee or would be a great president. He doesn't. Neither does Romney. And you know Lindsey Graham doesn't. The lining-up behind Cruz is solely aimed at trying to stop Trump from getting to 1,237 delegates before the Republican National Convention.”

The better choice of two evils?

But I have better news. You can, if you so desire, add to your action figure collection. Available at Amazon.com a Sigmund Freud Action Figure for about $13.00, and free shipping if you are a Prime member.


And if you are just a bit theatrical, feeling that there is that inkling of self-expression, why not a set of The Great Psychologists Finger Puppets… $24.95 and free shipping.

Just talk to the hand…

This is my 1,189th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 88,979 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Day 188 – (AD 1,093) – 23.5 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today I pedaled 23.5 miles on my Schwinn 170. Yes this is a recording, not created by a bot-mind, and my totals are: 23,330.2 miles; 37,546.4 kilometers.

That was the real part. My virtual location, in the recesses of my grey matter, is now at a point at Strada Statale 16 Adriatica, 66020 Torino di Sangro CH, Italy.

This is my 188th day of Part IV of my Trek and it is the 1,093rd day of the overall time that I have been doing this. Only 6.3% of my overall total miles remaining, and just 79 more pedaling days.

This morning the spammers are out in full force; this time from “ecare2 at cc dot sprintpcs dot com”. The gist of the email,

Thank you for your recent call to discuss your Sprint account. The next time you have questions, we hope you’ll give out online resources a try…” 

Bunch of bloody BS! I have never, ever in the 30+ years that I have lived in the United States of America had a Sprint account. And the bogus email has 7 hyper-links embedded in the email.

The “Customer Service Team, Transaction ID:33161453” wants me to manage my account including “make a payment and view your (my) bill… on our website…

Bloody hell, you would think that they, whoever “ecare2” is, would have done some homework. I do not or ever have had a Sprint account. But then again I do have the most common name in the English language. And there are 2 attachments including the Sprint logo.

I just wonder how many innocent persons will truly be taken in on the likes of this crap.

New Parity quilt update: Our corresponding quilting pattern is progressing just great. Oh yeah, we’ve decided to use two (2) layers of cotton batting to produce a thicker quilt.

Parity - Quilting in progress

Gonna try something completely different in the next quilt/wall-hanging piece that we are about to start. This design will be sort of a fabric collage with elements of fussy cutting and appliquéing. Should prove interesting.

Also working on a very new geometric design to complete a complete queen-size bedspread.

Check for updates at our Quilts SB site - http://quiltsb.blogspot.com/

Two loaves completed today: #104 – Sourdough No-Knead (home-made starter still alive); #105 – Raisin White Turbo No-Knead. The Sourdough rose and proofed for about 18 hours; the Raisin White for about 2 hours.

#104 - Sourdough No-Knead
#105 - Raisin White - Turbo

This is my 1,188th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 88,893 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Monday, March 21, 2016

Day 187 – (AD 1,092) – 22.5 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Another Ride On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today I cycled 22.5 miles on my Schwinn 170. I have now clocked 23,306.7 miles; 37,508.6 kilometers. Only 6.4% of my total miles to go.

Google Maps has the virtual part of my Trek located at Strada Statale 16 Adriatica, 86038 Montenero di bisaccia CB, Italy

And this morning I truly thought of giving up my pedaling, this Trek I began on December 23, 2012…but I chanced upon a wee bit of inspiration.

Published in The Guardian yesterday, March 20th, “Eddie Izzard tired yet triumphant after running 27 marathons in 27 days

“Eddie Izzard has said running 27 marathons in 27 days was the hardest thing he has ever done, as he thanked all his supporters who helped him raise more than £1m for Sport Relief. The 54-year-old comedian completed his gruelling challenge, a tribute to the 27 years Nelson Mandela spent in prison…”

No-Knead Sourdough loaf #104 in the bowl this morning. Goes into the oven in 18 hours.

Not sure if I understand, nor have I watched any of the zombie or walking dead shows on TV or at the movies. Just not something I want to try to understand. And whatever your pro argument is, no matter what I truly think that I cannot be convinced… (i.e., unless I can perceive the similarities at a Trump speaking event.)

Zombie Survival Kit

But should I do become concerned of having to encounter with what may be an un-human form of present/past life, I did find a Gerber Apocalypse Kit 7-Piece Tool Set Black Case Prepping Preppers Zombie. Going cost and priced at a discount of $395.01 obo.

And I just received a spam call which obviously was from a walking dead-brain.

Brain-Dead aka BD: “Sir, I am calling about issues regarding your Windows system on your computer.”
Me: “There are no computers in this house.”
BD: “According to your system messages, you…”
Me: “There are NO computers in this house.”
BD: “Could there be another computer that you are using.”
Me: “There are NO computers in this house. You are speaking English. There are NO computers in this house.”
BD: “Could you refer me to any of your friends who have a computer?”
BD: Click…

This is my 1,187th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 88,813 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Day 186 – (AD 1,091) – 23.6 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Again, I’m On My Schwinn 170

Good Day,

This morning I pedaled 23.6 miles on my Schwinn 170. Obviously I’m feeling so much better. My totals – 23,284.2 miles; 37,472.4 kilometers.

My virtual trip has me located at Strada Statale 16 Adriatica, 71010 Campomarino CB, Italy. And now another 216 miles to my next destination and goal point.

Definitely feeling better today, clambering on my roof, avoiding the old-man slip and slide, to trim the Ligustrum and clean the gutters.

Lunch today, the first time ever CDB’s Conch Fra-Diablo - Conch sautéed with olive oil, fresh garlic and spiced with our spicy diablo sauce. I definitely would have again… Nothing like I have ever had before.

Last night’s supper - Green (hah) Turkey Chili; Fresh Bread (#103); and Carrot Cake Mini-Muffins...

This is my 1,186th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 88,758 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Day 185 ½ – (AD 1,090 ½) – 0.0 Miles – Jim's Trek Part IV – Day of Rest, No Schwinn 170

Good Day,

Today’s a good day to rest from my Schwinn 170. Only 6.6% remaining of my overall and total mileage goal.

It looks like a 50% change of rain and storms forecasted today for the Tampa Bay area may be just what I need to finally recover from this damn flu-like bug that’s been on hold-over. Also a good downpour will do wonders to wash away the golden burdens of the current pollen intensification.

Question - If we've already had a downpour, a pretty good one at that, and there is still more storms forecast for the rest of the day, does that mean that there is now only a 25% chance of rain?  Or is it still, yes or no, 50%?

Supper tonight – Green Turkey Chili, (not sure why it is called Green) – Ground Turkey, Smoked Turkey, Onions, Garlic, Roasted Poblano Peppers, Tomatillos, Jalapeño, Cumin, Chili Powder, Pepper, Roasted Tomatoes, Chicken Broth, Cilantro, Lime. And dessert, just now baking, Carrot Cake Mini-Muffins.

Thought for today – From James Lovegrove’s article in Financial Times - Opinion, “Science fiction can create almost any future we want (March 18, 2016)

“When we say that an innovation is “like something out of science fiction”, the implication is that SF is a fund of ideas whose time has not yet arrived. All it takes is for modern technology to catch up with the yearnings of SF creators past and present, and soon the world will be bejewelled with glorious devices which their books (and TV shows and movies) have somehow helped to spawn…”

Our new Parity quilt update - The sandwich pinning and quilting in-the-ditch is done. Now the complementary geometric pattern will be developed; the border will be pebbled. And yes this is beginning to look like the current definition of a “modern quilt”…

I definitely need to update our list of works-in-progress at Quilts SB. We’ve added 4 more new quilts to our schedule.

This is my 1,185th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this writing, 88,604 Pageviews.

I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek. (This link is my email address.)

Be healthy and enjoy your day.
