Jim's Trek V, my exercise journey now on my Schwinn 170 from Tampa to parts unknown...

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 10 15/16 - Jim's Trek Part II - The Sequel - Oh Well, Another Day Gone By.

Good day,

Well I'm still in North Portland and all things being equal, will be here another couple days. I know that I'm itching to get on my Schwinn 150 but as it seems, it is probably better that I forgo until all this congestion and aches and pains are gone. Wellness prescription – chicken broth and soup, and plenty of liquids.

My return Trek from Seattle to Tampa is delayed once again.

Okay last night on Netflix, I decided to watch the movie Struck by Lightning, the 2012 film starring Chris Colfer. The premise of the movie begins as a young high school senior is narrating, and he is walking out to the parking lot. And before I go any further, you should know that I live in Tampa. Tampa is supposedly one of the lightning capitals of the world. Well, as the actor Chris Colfer is walking to his car in the parking lot, he is hit dead by a bolt of lightning. Almost simultaneously, a bolt of lightning strikes and there is an immediate blackout, for a couple of seconds, at my house. Happenstance? I don't know. But I wonder if I can say that truth may be stranger than fiction?

My other film of the evening was the 1946 movie Angel on My Shoulder. An interesting film, and it is available for free download at the Internet Archive.

Not much more happening here in either a real or virtual worlds.

Be healthy and enjoy,


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 10 7/8 – Jim’s Trek Part II – The Sequel – I Still Feel Like… Well No Schwinn 150 Today

Good Day,

And the flu has certainly seized me this time. There is no way that this old body is getting on my Schwinn 150 this morning. I thought I could but oh well maybe again tomorrow. I am still located virtually in North Portland and believe it or not mentally I am sort of itching to get on with the cycling part of my trip. I need to get back to Tampa.

This morning I decided that I’d make myself a bowl of Congee. I just threw some chicken broth, chopped up leftover chicken, leftover rice, green peas, garlic, ginger, a Scotch Bonnet, Soya sauce, and a tad of sesame oil in a pot. I then boil the Congee concoction and then let it simmer for at least 30 minutes. All-things-being-equal it should probably cook for a much longer period of time to allow for a further gruel-ish breakdown of the rice.

In most that I have researched and read to date Congee appears to be a common Asian meal to eat during an illness, “as it is believed the porridge is easy to digest while being fortifying,” and “it is most often served as a meal on its own, especially when one is ill.

Thank you J&B for the fresh Scotch Bonnets.

I worked on our Sea Foam afghan last night and added a couple of inches to the length. We decided last night that as it was one of our first wall hanging quilts and that when we created the original construction in our early quilt days, it needed a redo. The quilt is Warhol's Marilyn. The deconstruction has begun. Check at Afghans SB and Quilts SB for updates.

Be healthy, and enjoy,


Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 10 ¾ - Jim’s Trek Part II – The Sequel – Schwinn 150 On Hold

Good Day,

Cough, cough, cough, cough, Achoo, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, honk, cough, cough, cough, coughcough, cough… Cough, Achoooo, cough, cough, cough, cough Coughcoughcough, cough, cough, cough, Damn. Cough, cough, cough, cough, Achoo, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, honk, cough, cough, cough, coughcough, cough… Cough, Achoooo, cough, cough, cough, cough Coughcoughcough, cough, cough, cough, Damn. Cough, cough, cough, cough, Achoo, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, honk, cough, cough, cough, coughcough, cough… Cough, Achoooo, cough, cough, cough, cough Coughcoughcough, cough, cough, cough, Damn.

Cough, cough, cough, cough, Achoo, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, honk, cough, cough, cough, coughcough, cough… Cough, Achoooo, cough, cough, cough, cough Coughcoughcough, cough, cough, cough, Damn. Cough, cough, cough, cough, Achoo, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, honk, cough, cough, cough, coughcough, cough… Cough, Achoooo, cough, cough, cough, cough Coughcoughcough, cough, cough, cough, Damn. Cough, cough, cough, cough, Achoo, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, honk, cough, cough, cough, coughcough, cough… Cough, Achoooo, cough, cough, cough, cough Coughcoughcough, cough, cough, cough, Damn. Cough, cough, cough, cough, Achoo, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, honk, cough, cough, cough, coughcough, cough… Cough, Achoooo, cough, cough, cough, cough Coughcoughcough, cough, cough, cough, Damn.

No miles today on my Schwinn 150. I am recuperating in North Portland… Achoo… Gesundheit.

One more software package to installed. I’m done, at least for the next four years. Now I am working on the understanding of Windows 8. The nice thing about my new built I can run any of my operating systems concurrently and at the same time. This is pretty slick, especially when some software does not necessarily work well with one specific operating system.

Be healthy, cough, and enjoy,


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 10 ½ – Jim’s Trek Part II – The Sequel – No Miles Today

Good Day,

After installing Windows 8, (I am using four operating systems), there are a number of new things that I have to learn. I am so glad that there are forums out there in Internetland. I can just ask my perplexed question and follow the links that at some point will and may lead me to the answer that I need.

Oh yeah, no cycling today on my Schwinn 150. I’ve got some sort of flu bug… not too, too pleasant, and so I thought that I would just take a day off. It is a day to rest.

Tomorrow I should be back on my Schwinn 150 and I should, all-things-being-equal reaching my next two Interlake address destinations.

We just got the news that our two quilts and wall hangings were accepted to be displayed at QuiltFest 2013 in Jacksonville, Florida. The two are EssbeeCon and Who Did Desi Adore?. The QuiltFest Show will be held September 26 through 28 at the Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center.

Be healthy and enjoy,


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 10 – (AD 235) – Jim’s Trek Part II – The Sequel – 20.7 Miles To North Portland, Oregon

Good Day,

And yes I am sounding a wee bit hoarse with a chest cold today… but I did mount my Schwinn 150 and cycle another 20.7 miles. This morning I am in North Portland, Oregon. I just turned off N. Portland Road onto W. Delta Park.

To date I have cycled on my Schwinn 150, The Sequel, 207.8 miles. My grand total to date is 4,464.9 miles. Obviously I am looking forward to the 5,000 mile mark.

Liza Donnelly in her article yesterday in Forbes “Anthony Weiner is Strange, But He Is Also A Typical Politician” wrote “I think politicians need to think more outside of the box, but let’s be clear: they should not text everything little thing that they think. Please.” And yes I agree with her that ALL politicians are egocentric narcissists with shades of megalomania. And social networking is definitely adding more fuel to their virtual fires.

And last night we decided to try home delivery of Chinese food. A new restaurant, Happy Garden just moved in. We have lost all other Chinese restaurants who deliver in our area in the past year. I need this type of food when I definitely do not feel like cooking. And there is always so much left over. My personal ranking, Fair-to-Okay.

But just within the hour of placing my order, even though it had nothing whatsoever to do with our order, my Gmail account was spammed with emails from Match-dot-com and China-Women-Dating-Team. Why? I, in most cases, cook my own meals.

Conversion on my new operating systems on my PC is almost complete. Only two more softwares to set up and ensure that each is working well.

My Sequel words for today: "Chip’n Dip" and "Misanthropist".

My stats for Day 10 of my Sequel Trek are:
  • Location – North Portland, Oregon
  • Sequel Distance – 20.7; Total 207.8 miles
  • Grand Total Miles - 4,464.9
  • Calories Burned - 620
  • Weight – 165.4 lbs; Total Loss – 5.4 lbs
  • Belly Measurement - 34"; Total Loss - 10"
  • Blood Sugar - 86 mg/dL
  • Blood Pressure – 115/75
  • BMI – 23.2
Mad Men – Season 1, Episode 7 – Red in the Face. Additional introductions of individual characters… and there may be an implication the fiction mirrors life.

Work is continuing on the quilting of our Tampa Kaleidoscope. It will be looking pretty good. Still looking for the originator of my new design inspiration, Ladies on The Boardwalk.

Be healthy and enjoy,


Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 9 – (AD 234) – Jim’s Trek Part II – The Sequel – 21.1 Miles – Today on My Schwinn 150 in Oregon

Good Day,

As you can see from my biorhythm cycles on the right, today I am at the top in my Physical cycle and near the bottom of my other two: Intellectual and Emotional. I truly did not have the wherewithal to get on my Schwinn 150… Sort of got the blahs.

But I did get on my Schwinn 150 even though I really pussy-footed around trying to give myself an excuse not to exercise. I couldn’t. And so I got on my cycle and decided that I would just plug away.

This morning after my 21.1 miles I definitely fulfilled my Physical motivation… and I can say that I am definitely in a better tune and frame of mind especially to my Intellectual and Emotional cycles. I am located in Oregon headed south on the Lower Columbia River Highway. I am also closing in on the intersection of Fullerton Road.

My next two Interlake/Interlachen/Interlaken goal points are about, from where I am now located, in my virtual world, 35 and 40 miles away, give or take.

The image to the left is "Ladies on The Boardwalk".  It is something that I created quite a number of years ago. I am sure that I was inspired by a work. I did not note down the possible artist. And this is where I go completely blank. Does anyone have an idea who may be, if not me, the original artist to this or something similar? I have started working on designing our new “Ladies on The Boardwalk” as a quilt/wall hanging. Andy I have been discussing what we would like to do and how we would approach our project and construction.

Want to see more stay tuned to Quilts SB for updates and progress.

No Mad Men today.

Is there anyone out there in Internetland who likes Cheddar Cheese, Tomato, and Mayonnaise sandwiches? Just a plain and simple sandwich.  To me this has always been my sort of “comfort food”, that is, if I truly did have something I would call my “comfort food”. Just as I finished my cycling my Trek this morning, I had a quick craving for one… Medium sharp Cheddar Cheese, a perfect red ripe Tomato, Duke’s Mayonnaise, a dash of salt and pepper all sandwiched between two slices of seeded bread. Done... When’s lunch?

Be healthy and enjoy,


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 8 – (AD 233) – Jim’s Trek Part II – The Sequel – My Trek Continues Into Oregon

Good Day,

Today it appears to be the most humiditiest, (and yes I know that this one is not a word, but then again it might be in the Urban Dictionary), so far this year in Tampa. I do get a bit claustrophobic when all the windows at the house are opaque, (this one’s a wee bit of literary license), over with sweat.

I completed my 20.2 miles on my Schwinn 150. I crossed over to Oregon and I am now following U.S. 30 E/Columbia River Highway headed towards Lindberg Road. I am just east of the Columbia River.

Sequel words for today: "Limited" and "Disambiguation".

My stats for Day 8 of my Sequel Trek are:

  • Location - , Oregon
  • Sequel Distance – 20.2; Total 166.0 miles
  • Grand Total Miles - 4,423.1
  • Calories Burned - 620
  • Weight – 164.0 lbs; Total Loss – 6.8 lbs
  • Belly Measurement - 34"; Total Loss - 10"
  • Blood Sugar - 101 mg/dL
  • Blood Pressure - 124/73
  • BMI – 23.0

Mad Men – Season 1, Episode 6 – The Agency is looking to land advertising contracts to promote tourism to Israel and lipstick, not necessarily together.  And of course, the reading research is James Leon Uris' Exodus. Guess I have found a new book to read. (Yes I have not read it.)

The Sequel continues. Be healthy and enjoy,


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 7 – (AD 232) – Jim’s Trek Part II – The Sequel – 20.4 Miles – Is That Mount St. Helens in the Distance?

Good Day,

I had a truly hard time trying to motivate myself to get on my Schwinn 150 this morning… (Actually as I am typing this I haven’t budged from the chair at my PC. And yes my new and updated PC is back in the house, and as per usual I am trying to find this and that file slotted succinctly in some electronic data folder, which now has a new residence and location.)

Well done. I finished 20.4 miles on my Schwinn 150. My Trek Sequel’s total miles to date – 145.8; grand total – 4,402.9. And today I burned 620 calories.

I am located on WA-411 S/Westside Highway and just west of Mount St. Helens. Google Maps certainly presents a slick satellite overview at 1,000 feet.

My Trek will have me crossing tomorrow from Washington State into the State of Oregon; just about 11 miles south. My next Interlake address goal is now about 60 miles away.

Tropical Storm Dorian has now appeared in the Atlantic. It is about 3,300 miles to the east of Tampa Bay.

Is it possible that an online social networking site “friend” can be deemed as an electronic stalker?

My Sequel words for today: "Released" and "Annular".

My stats for Day 7 of my Sequel Trek are:
  • Location - Winlock, Washington
  • Sequel Distance – 20.4; Total 145.8 miles
  • Grand Total Miles - 4,402.9
  • Calories Burned - 620
  • Weight – 163.2 lbs; Total Loss – 7.6 lbs
  • Belly Measurement - 34"; Total Loss - 10"
  • Blood Sugar - 97 mg/dL
  • Blood Pressure - 130/76
  • BMI – 22.9
Mad Men – Season 1, Episode 5 – Adam Whitman enters, claiming to be Don Draper’s younger brother. And another tangent begins. When is it a good call to call in favors?

And hospital food sucks...

Be healthy and enjoy,


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 6 – (AD 231) – Jim’s Trek Part II – The Sequel – On My Schwinn 150 Just South of Winlock, Washington

Good Day,

Didn’t know if I would get on my Schwinn 150 today. Last night was certainly eventful… but all-things-being-equal the current prognosis is positive. And I did, and I completed 22.0 miles of cycling. I am headed south on the Winlock-Vader Road to my next Interlake goal destination. I am just south on the outskirts of the City of Winlock in Washington. The population of Winlock is about 1,340, and its claim to fame is that it is the city having the World’s Largest Egg. Only thing I want to know is where is the bloody bird?

Question - While I am walking The Pack for their early evening mile, we pass by a number of houses, neighbors facing each other and on opposite sides on the same street. All sets of garage doors are open. Each homeowner has a television set up in each individual garage, and each has a series of chairs set in their own theater viewing formation. And each has their TV sound set up almost as high as each one's volume can go. Why do they have each of their own TVs set and tuned to different stations? The cacophony of electronic sound is somewhat deafening, and if I walk down the middle of the street it is almost as if I can hearing dueling banjos strumming in the distance.

For my trekking pleasure - Mad Men – Season 1, Episode 4 continues the development of cast and characters. And everyone still just keeps on smoking. Corporate Wall Street business and family connections are paramount.

My Sequel words for today: "Egg" and "Electroencephalography".

My stats for Day 6 of my Sequel Trek are:
  • Location - Winlock, Washington
  • Sequel Distance - 22.0; Total 125.4 miles
  • Grand Total Miles - 4,382.5
  • Calories Burned - 662
  • Weight - 165.8 lbs; Total Loss - 5.0 lbs
  • Belly Measurement - 34"; Total Loss - 10"
  • Blood Sugar - 97 mg/dL
  • Blood Pressure - 132/78
  • BMI - 23.3

And Andy and I just found out that our Cosmo’s Moon quilt wall/hanging has “been selected to be judged at the World Quilt Show – New England". This Show’s in Manchester, New Hampshire, August 15 to 18.

Be healthy and enjoy,


Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 5 - (AD 230) - Jim's Trek Part II - The Sequel - Centralia, Washington on My Schwinn 150

Good Day,

21.0 miles this morning moves my Schwinn 150 to West Cherry Street headed toward South Rock Street. My total Trek Sequel mileage today calculates to 103.4; my Trek total to date - 4,360.5 miles.

Today my virtual journey has taken me to the City of Centralia in Washington. I am now 112 miles from my next Interlake address goal point.

Last night supper fare - Gnocchi with pancetta and peas and a fresh zucchini, grape tomatoes, and spring mix salad. My blood sugar rang in this morning at 97, and I am still diabetes meds-free.  My BMI (Body Mass Index) has reduced slightly to 22.9. Methinks that is a positive sign...


I posted an update of our Tampa Kaleidoscope quilt progress to Quilts SB. Three of our quilts - Blue Diamonds, Civil War Re-Enactment I, and Tampa Lightning have been shipped to Newark, Delaware for the Diamond State Quilt Show 2013.

Mad Men - Season 1, Episode 3 opens with everyone smoking, as usual.  I cannot now imagine working in my office in the 1980s and the clouds of smoke hazing and seeping into every pore, nook, and cranny. And is Don Draper really who he says he is?  Or is he?

My Sequel words for today: "Undetectable" and "Tartare"

My stats for Day 5 of my Sequel Trek are:
  • Location - Centralia, Washington
  • Sequel Distance - 21.0; Total 103.4 miles
  • Grand Total Miles - 4,360.5
  • Calories Burned - 638
  • Weight - 164.2 lbs; Total Loss - 6.6 lbs
  • Belly Measurement - 34"; Total Loss - 10"
  • Blood Sugar - 97 mg/dL
  • Blood Pressure - 118/74
  • BMI - 22.9
Be healthy and enjoy,


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 4 - (AD 229) - Jim's Trek Part II - The Sequel - 1st Interlake Address Goal on My Trek

Good Day,

This morning I cycled 21.0 miles on my Schwinn 150. I am located, headed in a southerly direction, somewhere on Rich Road SE at the intersection of Crete Street in the State of Washington. My location is southeast of Tumwater, population about 17,700.

Today I reached my first Interlake address goal on my Trek Sequel - Interlake Grocery, Mullen Road Southeast, Lacey, Washington. My next Interlake goal is approximately 143 miles south.

A new effort - Try to cook something different and new as best as I can.



Last night I decided to do "Chinese Chicken Wings"... Obviously chicken wings, marinated in soya sauce, and Chinese Five Spice grilled on the bar-b-que. One of the side dishes was a "Spicy Chinese Potato Salad". This one was more the dressing complimenting green peppers, tomatoes, onions with boiled potatoes, chilled. I found both recipes online but apart from the seasonings, included in each recipe, I wonder why the sobriquet "Chinese" is added in each recipe title. No matter, supper was good.

When a recipe has the word "Chinese" in the title what actually makes the recipe Chinese? Is there a distinctive list of ingredients that makes a recipe specific to an ethnic connotation? Is there a possible source?

Tonight's supper is an attempt at gnocchi with pancetta and peas. I'm checking out Deana Gunn's and Wona Miniati's 2007 cookbook Cooking with all things Trader Joe's.

In The TampaBay Times on Monday, July 15, 2013 — Forget the rumors. Trader Joe's is definitely planning to build a grocery store along Swann Avenue near Dale Mabry Highway.

But I have a question, as usual, the last chapter in Gunn's and Miniati's cookbook, titled Bachelor Quickies - (Complete heat-and-serve menus designed to impress) features recipes for more than one... Huh? Does not bachelor translate to single?

Mad Men - Season 1, Episode 2 introduces Robert Morse as Bert Cooper. Shades of How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. And the ad theme is for Right Guard in a spray can...what do women want?

Today's Sequel words are "Pumpkin" and "Waterfall".

My stats for Day 4 of my Sequel Trek are:
  • Location - Near Tumwater, Washington
  • Sequel Distance - 21.0; Total 82.4 miles
  • Grand Total Miles - 4,339.5
  • Calories Burned - 631
  • Weight - 166.4 lbs; Total Loss - 4.4 lbs
  • Belly Measurement - 34"; Total Loss - 10"
  • Blood Sugar - 93 mg/dL
  • Blood Pressure - 121/76
  • BMI - 23.2
Be healthy and enjoy,


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 3 - (AD 228) - Jim's Trek Part II - The Sequel - I Just Topped 4,300 Miles on My Schwinn 150

Good Day,

Day 3 of my Trek Sequel includes 20.6 miles on my Schwinn 150. My grand total miles to date equals 4,318.5.  I am still in the State of Washington, and it appears that I am located on East Yelm Avenue in the City of Yelm, population about 7,000.

I am now about 12.4 miles from my first Sequel Interlake address goal point. This is why I'm headed in a sort of north westerly direction... to reach my Interlake goal.  And just to point out, to make a virtual clarification, I am looking for any new and different Interlake points on my trip back home from Seattle to Interlake Drive, where I live, in Tampa, Florida.

And today as I continue on my virtual yellow brick road from Seattle to Tampa I just discovered that July 20th is Lollipop day. Bring on the sugar and stickiness and materialize the Lollipop Guild.  I'm just following my yellow brick road, on my Schwinn 150, back home.

This morning's viewing pleasure was Mad Men - Season 1 Episode 2. Interesting, and it is all housed on Netflix. Coincidentally Mad Men premiered exactly five years ago. I wonder if there is something in the signs? Sorry no pun intended. It is a series about corporate advertising.

And today's Trek clue words are "Mariachi" and "Salish".

My stats for Day 3 of my Sequel Trek are:
  • Location - Yelm, Washington
  • Sequel Distance - 20.6; Total 61.4 miles
  • Grand Total Miles - 4,318.5
  • Calories Burned - 613
  • Weight - 167.8 lbs; Total Loss - 4.4 lbs
  • Belly Measurement - 34"; Total Loss - 10"
  • Blood Sugar - 95 mg/dL
  • Blood Pressure - 117/78
  • BMI - 23.4
My health target for the next month is to continue to try and lower my cholesterol numbers. I do not quite understand the idiosyncracies, but I do, sort of, understand food. Will see what happens now.

Be healthy and enjoy,


Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 2 - (Actually Day 227) - Jim's Trek Part II - The Sequel - 20.5 Miles

Good Day,

On Day 2 of my return to Tampa from Seattle on my Schwinn 150 I cycled 20.5 miles. I am located at WA-7 S/Pacific Ave S just a wee bit north of Parkland, Washington. I have just about 33 miles to go to get to my first Interlake address goal on my Sequel Trek.

I caught a glimpse of an advertisement on the TV for some sort of cross-training machine. The ad features a number of persons, who are smiling and appear to be enjoying a sort-of success in the fact that each is stating the s/he has lost x-number of pounds in just 3 months. The 3-month time frame is qualified that the exercise should be about 4-times a week for 30-minute intervals. I quickly calculated that the average weight loss, on the advertised machine, was about 30 pounds.

Now on my Schwinn 150, cycling/exercising daily for 225 days, and for just over an hour each day, using their formula, I should have lost, according to the possible calculations of the advertisement marketing of the other machine, approximately 187 pounds, comparing apples to apples. I lost only 7.4 pounds in a 7 1/2 month period. If I had lost according to the quick and featured sales pitch come-on I presume I would be looking for another body.

The fine print flash on the TV during the ads is just too damn quick for any self-respecting reader to see. Obviously there is some sort of caveat of the pitch that the targeted and viewing audience is not supposed see. I supposed I could sell some Medicine-Man water and make a fortune when I allow for returns after a specified period of time if I do not realize the blatant and supposed immediate results. All I can say is "Buyer beware."

Oh and by the way I am not knocking the advertised machine. I am just campaigning against the bogus marketing and sales pitch hype. I am not proselytizing that my Trek on my Schwinn 150 is the only way... I am just writing that after these many days, there are a number of pieces to the actual process of losing weight which include exercise, diet, composure, and imagination.

My Trek clue words for today are "Pacific Nails" and "Puyallup".

My stats for Day 2 of my Sequel Trek are:
  • Location - Parkland, Washington
  • Distance - 20.5; Total 40.8 miles
  • Calories Burned - 641
  • Weight - 165.4 lbs; Total Loss - 7.4 lbs
  • Belly Measurement - 34"; Total Loss - 10"
  • Blood Sugar - 93 mg/dL
  • Blood Pressure - 115/69
  • BMI - 23.1
Be healthy and enjoy,


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 1 - (Actually Day 226) - Jim's Trek Part II - The Sequel - Here I Go Again - 20.3 Miles

Good Day,

And now, beginning with Day 226, this is Jim's Trek Part II - The Sequel.  This is my new Day 1. Today I begin the second part of my journey return on my Schwinn 150 returning home from Seattle to Tampa...

All-things-being-equal, the direct route home from Seattle, Washington, to Tampa, Florida is 3,293 miles, avoiding major highways and toll roads. On the first part of my journey, I cycled 4,257.1 miles. I wonder how many extra miles I'll cycle on my return trip home.

And my first Interlake address goal on my leaving Seattle, Washington is 73.6 plus or minus miles south.

And you know I just have an eerie encompassing feeling that there is someone or something following me. This is just a feeling, but is it a part of my reality or a part of my virtuality? Yes, virtuality is a word. And according to Merriam Webster the first appearance of this word occurred in 1646.

And just a point of information, there are some itty bitty wheels, that actually work on the base stand of my Schwinn 150.

Today after my 20.3 miles of cycling, this is the real part, I am located, and this is the virtual part, on the Pacific Coast Highway just about at the intersection of South 240 Street in the City of Des Moines, Washington. Des Moines is about halfway between Seattle and Tacoma. Des Moines is located on the eastern shore of Puget Sound.

The verbal clues of this first leg of my Sequel Trek are Teriyaki and 31 Flavors.

My starting stats after Day 1 of my Sequel Trek are:

  • Distance - 20.3 miles
  • Calories Burned - 608
  • Weight - 165.4 lbs.
  • Belly Measurement - 34"
  • Blood Sugar - 95 mg/dL
  • Blood Pressure - 103/60
  • BMI - 23.1

Be healthy and enjoy,


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 225 - Jim’s Trek - 16.6 Miles - Seattle, I Made It!!!

Good Day... actually Great Day!!!

I just got back home from babysitting my Grandson. He’s walking now!

Today I have achieved that which I set out to do. I cycled on my Schwinn 150, in real miles, from my home address in Tampa, Florida to the exact same address, give-or-take the difference of a “Drive” versus an “Avenue” in Seattle, Washington. I have accomplished that which I set out to do in 225 Days.

The direct mileage from my home address in Tampa to the same in Seattle, avoiding major highways and toll roads, is 3,278.0 miles. But I added 24 additional Interlake addresses along my way. These additions increased my total mileage of my virtual trip to 4,257.1; an extra 979.1 miles.

Today I completed the remaining 16.6 miles and I have arrived at the same address in Seattle as mine in Tampa.

I did what I wanted to do. I began a regime of daily exercise. After 225 Days it has become sort-of a habit. I have lost some weight, but that was not my intended goal. I dropped 7.4 pounds. I did lose 10 inches on my belly measurement. Hallelujah! My blood pressure has decreased. And I am no longer taking any diabetes medication. Also,a couple of heart and cholesterol meds have been eliminated.

Tomorrow I begin my new Trek, Jim’s Trek Part II - The Sequel. I am returning from Seattle to Tampa... I am not sure of the actual miles that I will be cycling on my Schwinn 150, but I can say that I will be blogging my virtual trip and definitely looking for the clues of The Sequel along the way.


Be healthy and enjoy,


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 224 - Jim’s Trek - 20.5 Miles - My 2nd to Last Day

Good Day,

I am on NE 124th Street in Kirkland, Washington after today’s cycling on my Schwinn 150. I finished 20.5 miles. To date, on Day 224, I have completed 4,240.5 miles. I just turned left off Willows Road NE.

Early on this morning ride I reached my 25th Interlake address goal, Interlake High School in Bellevue, Washington. It is the home of the Interlake Saints.

Only one more day until I reach the final destination of my Trek on my Schwinn 150. Obviously I will not be stopping the cycling or the exercise portion of my Trek.  I will be continuing.  The major goal of Jim’s Trek Part II - The Sequel will be to return home, virtually and physically, to my home in Tampa, Florida.

My overall encompassing goal is to be a Trek of Clues. Each day, however far I cycle, and from the day’s route, I will be looking for a clue that will be used to build a journey’s story. You will have to stay tune and check in each day to find out how each day’s clue works.

Just wondering about the current batch of world leaders today. I wonder if there is any reason to each one’s political and purposed happenstance?

Supper last night - Twice Cooked Pork Belly, Roasted Kabocha, and Steamed Rice and Peas. And was this meal ever so good? Definitely, and my blood sugar levels this morning registered at 96.

Under construction now are the sets of borders for our Tampa Kaleidoscope quilt. It appears that it will be a reasonably finished as a queen-sized quilt. Our Sea Foam afghan has now expanded to 29 inches in length. Still a ways to go.

My PC is still scheduled in the shop for a couple more days. I will be running four operating systems with the new configuration; three versions of Windows - XP, 7, 8 and one of Linux - Ubuntu. Tomorrow all-thing-being-equal,  I will attempt to summarize, even though my main data files are in the shop, the results of my Trek from Tampa to Seattle.

Be healthy and enjoy,


Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 223 - Jim’s Trek - 22.2 Miles - 4,200 Mile Mark Reached

Good Day,

And today I can almost see my final destinations. Only 37.3, give-or-take, miles remaining of my Tampa to Seattle Trek. To date I have accomplished on my Schwinn 150 4,220.0 miles.

Today I am headed south on Highway 203 and I am located at Taylor Park on Carnation Duvall Road NE. My direction south is my route to my next Interlake address goal.

And the fantastic news this morning is the CK is now walking. He’ll soon join his Grandpa on his "imaginary" trips to who knows where.  Just gotta wait until his feet reach the pedals.

All-things-being-equal I hope my PC is returned shortly so I can plan my new Jim’s Trek Part II - The Sequel. All I can reveal is that at this moment I may be heading in a southerly direction.

Last night’s supper was half-a-repeat. Grilled corn on the cob and a Zucchini, Olive, Tomato, and Jalepeño Fusilli dish. I like the cycling cause I can almost eat to my mind’s content, and my blood sugar counted at 100, and there weren't any leftovers.


All-things-being-equal I have only lost 6.2 pounds over the past 223 days. My intention of my Trek was not to lose weight but to lose waist. My belly measurement this morning stands at 34 inches and my waist measurement is 32 7/8”. I began my Trek on my Schwinn 150 with belly measurement of 44 inches.

Season Two, Part Six of Continuum was the viewing fare this morning on my Schwinn 150. The show has added some interesting sub-plots, but the question is, if and only if there is a renewed season will the writers and the producers be able to go any place. Last night I watched Part One of Season Two of The Newsroom. Interesting setup but I’ve got to watch it again to see and understand any of the tangents that I may have missed.

Be healthy and enjoy... Until tomorrow, the Sequel is just around the corner.
