I am writing Jim’s Trek late this afternoon. After I finished my pedaling I decided that I would spend an hour pressure washing the pool deck and cage struts. The plan was to do a bit every day for the next week. Well my one hour turned into 5 hours. It’s spring time in Tampa. I still have a little bit of the deck to complete…and the wooden boardwalk down the side of the house. Guess I got quite a workout today. Praise be that our Tampa one day of winter is over.
This morning I pedaled 21.9 miles on my Schwinn 170. My totals are: 15,858.0 miles; 25,521.0 kilometers. I burned 677 calories in 68 minutes.
On the Plenty Highway I am located now just east past Gillen Creek and the Gem Tree Caravan Park. I’m still in the Northern Territory. And yes I think it is a two-lane highway.
Following this trek it will take me about 290 more miles, about 2 weeks when I finally cross over from the Northern Territory into Queensland. And then I will be pedaling another 421 miles to get to my next destination and goal point.

This is my 815th post. According to Blogger Jim’s Trek has recorded, as of this morning, 61,694 Pageviews.
I welcome comments or thoughts or ideas. Please feel free to contact, email me at Jim’s Trek.
Be healthy and enjoy your day.
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