I am located 5.2 more miles south on Highway US-95 S. This is my 3,881.6th mile on my Schwinn 150 since I began in early December. I am headed towards West Mica View Road. I am now about 16 miles from the Idaho Washington state border.
Now on to my 25th Interlake address goal and all-things-being-equal my final destination. Only 340 miles more.
Thank you Bill Maher. Bill Maher: “Sarah Palin heard that Snowden was incognito and called for a full scale invasion of Cognito”. I am planning a new trek to Cognito Inc. in New York.
Episode 4 of The Newsroom – Gabrielle Giffords is reported as being shot. I love the statement that Don states, and I’m paraphrasing, “Doctors are the final purveyors of the medical finality of life, not a news agency.”
Be healthy and enjoy,

Be healthy and enjoy,
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