I am, is, can be, and definitely was not motivated to cycle today… BUT I had to do it. Accordingly my Physical biorhythm is at its peak, and my Emotional one at all cycle time low.
Today on my Schwinn 150 I completed another 20.8 miles. I reached another new goal. I have now cycled 19.1 miles over 3,400.0; 3,419.1 miles.

Question – If the NSA is gathering phone records to track down whatever it is they think they need to track down, why is it that there appears to be more idiotic sales and survey calls to my land line? One would think that if the calls were spammers and carpetbaggers of domestic and foreign origin, they would try to hide from Big Brother… Or maybe there is a conspiracy connection between the NSA and the IRS? Just asking…
Some more questions – If there are aliens out there, somewhere in the far reaches of this universe, why is it that they we really haven’t realized hide or hair or tail of them? I mean, are we that boring? Or is it that they are way behind us in some evolutionary strata? Would it make sense that if they are more advanced than we are, that we may be as interesting to them as we are of lower life-forms? Are we not worth the bother?
Supper last night – Roasted Turkey Breast with baked potatoes, with homemade gravy, and fresh Urban Oasis broccoli. Something simple, something delicious. Happy Hurricane Season.
Part 2 of Part 1 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. If I'm keeping track correctly Number 3 Horcrux destroyed. And the Search and chase continues.
Borders for Astro-Physics quilt and wall hanging completed. Now the corner stars' patterns have be drafted. The third row of the border for Double Entendre afghan connected. Half-way of the fourth also accomplished. Today I should completed the design of our Tampa Kaleidoscope quilt.
Be healthy and enjoy,

Part 2 of Part 1 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. If I'm keeping track correctly Number 3 Horcrux destroyed. And the Search and chase continues.
Borders for Astro-Physics quilt and wall hanging completed. Now the corner stars' patterns have be drafted. The third row of the border for Double Entendre afghan connected. Half-way of the fourth also accomplished. Today I should completed the design of our Tampa Kaleidoscope quilt.
Be healthy and enjoy,
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