This morning on my Schwinn 150 I cycled 20.5 miles, and I passed through Sandpoint, Idaho. I arrived at the Village of Sagle. I am now on US-95 S and approximately 40 miles, or two days from my next Interlake address goal.
My total miles to date tally up to 3,838.1. Not bad for 205, minus one, days of continuous cycling on my Schwinn 150. And I am definitely seeing the results.
Good news, and it includes the elimination of 2 and ½ of my heart and cholesterol medications, my blood pressure is well in the lower positive range of the normal range… Not bad for a 61 ½ year old. This exercise thing is certainly doing wonders. Guess I was not meant to make an exit today… as yet. I can only live one day at a time.
At 11:30 pm last night while I’m walking The Pack for their midnight business, Radar aka Ready, slips out of his harness and decides that he wants to explore the neighborhood, in the pitch black at a tremendous gallop.
I shove the other three mini-Packers into the house and grab a flashlight in panic. Andy gets into his car. I on foot, we begin the chase.
This 20-pound imp of a devil-dog goes bounding up and down two blocks of Interlake Avenue. He knows he is being followed, and he plays a sly game of “cat-and-mouse”. Ready is a dark chocolate wiry little cuss and he cannot be seen in the shadows of the night. I’m yelling his names and waking up the neighbors.
At about midnight Radar rouses another home of dogs and he decides to investigate. He slows down, in curiosity, just enough time for me to get close enough to snatch him. I grab him, Andy drives up the Avenue and we get in… Tomorrow I get a tighter harness. He ain’t gonna play Harry Howl-dini with me anymore. This was not one of my Interlake address goals.

Episode 2 of The Newsroom... and a line that Maggie Jordan states, and I am sort of parphrasing, "Even if a part of the set falls, it does not necessarily mean that you have a bad play..." I immediately time-travel back to Noel Coward's Look After Lulu, Oromocto High School, New Brunswick, and I remember all. Thank you all.
Be healthy and enjoy,
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