Jim's Trek V, my exercise journey now on my Schwinn 170 from Tampa to parts unknown...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 72 - (AD 295) - Jim's Trek Part II - The Sequel - 21.7 Miles - Again on My Schwinn 150

Good Day,

And yes the 21.7 miles is the mileage count this morning on my Schwinn 150.

This is now my 295th day cycling and I know that my physical body has changed... even for a 61, almost 62 year-old kid.  I wish I had a cross-sectional view of what may or may not have changed inside this body. But just think, only 70 more days and I will have clocked one year on my Schwinn 150. And today I topped 5,783.2 miles.

This morning I am on CA-62 W/Twentynine Palms Highway.  I am headed south in the direction of N Indian Canyon Drive.

Question, and I'm only asking a question, Why would a young lady have "X's" tattooed up the back of each of her legs?

In the store, as she walked away I wondered why she had on such stockings with such graphic designs, but I then realized almost immediately that the "X's" were tattooed up the middle of her legs from just above her heels to just below her fesse. Each "X" was about two-inches in height and each leg had a straight line of about 12+ "X's". Obviously I was taken aback...and I am just curious. I am wondering about her reasons.

I just posted a new entry to my Jim's Gotta Eat blog. The topic and recipe Scotch Bonnet Pepper Pickles. Check out Jim's Gotta Eat.

Obviously my PC has not been returned from the fix-it shop...but it should not lead some folks to be, unless they tend to be that way normally, inconsiderate.  And I'm wondering about the partial-communication withdrawal that I appear to be going through. In this electronic age it seems that as long as there is power, and I mean the "electric" kind, there are so many ways to communicate electronically. Just bear with me for a moment.

There is an exercise in Julia Cameron's book The Artists' Way that has caused me to pause from continuing the assigned and written exercises. This task is "Reading Deprivation". Her instructions are to stop reading for one complete week. That's right: no reading. I am allowed to do anything else but for one week I am supposed to stop all reading, which includes no computer and no television. For that one week I am suggested to find a number of alternatives. She instructs "Don't read. If you can't think of anything else to do, cha-cha." I'm not sure if I could handle the task.

Be healthy and enjoy,


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