This morning I cycled 21.9 miles on my Schwinn 150. My total miles at this point of my exercise Trek, 7,838.0.
I have reached my 37th Interlake address goal. Well as close to the same spelling, I got to Interlaken Drive just in the northern limits of New Iberia, Louisiana.
As a bit of information, I set up a number of address goals throughout North America that helped me to keep focused while I cycle on my stationary bicycle since I started on December 2, 2012. The 1st and the 40th points, I think are the same, my home address. And every other of the 38 goal points have been address points, provided by Google Maps, which may correspond near to the spelling of my street name, Interlake. Now after I reached my 37th Interlake address goal I have just about 765 miles left for the remainder of my physical and virtual Trek.
I am now located on LA-182 S and am still in Louisiana. I am headed southeast on LA-182 S toward Penn Road.

In addition, IIFA's website offers premium packages costing from $10,000 to $25,000 per person. Those include three-day hotel stays, meals, transportation to events, special access and chaperone service, personal photos with the stars and a good deal more.

And in 1814? News did not travel as fast in those years, but today…well Pasco County, Florida and Roswell, New Mexico. And South Side Chicago; Evansville, Indiana; and a car bomb in Maiduguri, Nigeria, to name a few All within the past 24 hours. Are these copycats? Or is it any different today? But we do have the immediate media coverage and response.
Real life mirrors the House of Cards. I think I prefer to know that there are actors on my screen. I think?
Be healthy and enjoy your flock of turkeys,
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