This Easter morning I completed my 20.5 miles on my Schwinn 150… and I’m looking forward toward a great Easter Brunch. This morning I am headed west on Highway US-12, also 50th St. SW in Minnesota. I made it through the city of Cokato. And Cokato’s claim to fame, the Aho Family whose 12 sons all played football at the local high school over the period of more than two decades. The Aho Family is actually a bit more than 2% of the total population of Cokato.
I am located on US-12 W headed toward 738th Avenue. I’m coming up on Dassel, Minnesota. And it is 32° F and mostly cloudy in Dassel. Tampa is 66° F and I’m indoors.
My mileage total today, on this beautiful day in Tampa, is 2,019.2. I never did think that I would clock this many miles on my Trek from Tampa to Seattle. Only 39% of my goal left to go and 98 more miles to my next Interlake address goal.
This episode of The Tudors increased the number of heads rolling to five. Henry is cleaning house and Queen Anne is now confined to the Tower of London.
Enjoy your Easter, and be healthy,

Enjoy your Easter, and be healthy,