This morning I cycled 21.0 miles on my Schwinn 150. I burned 611 calories. I have now cycled a total of 14,315.9 kilometers. I reached, actually struggled, and got to 100 sit-ups.
Today I am headed south in New South Wales. I am on Monaro Highway/B23 and I am at Colinton. The weather here, and oh yeah it is tomorrow actually March 8; is about 16° C and predicted thundershowers. And that is about 60.8° F. Tampa is currently 61° F and a wee bit cloudy. But that is today which is March 7.

And I now have about 413 miles to cycle to reach my next goal destination.
I know I am eating too much on my volunteer day each Thursday. My morning blood sugar was up to 97. It still is at a good level but the upward swing definitely is a reaction to the amount of stuff I shovel into my mouth. Looks like I have to plan my Thursday’s food intake a wee bit better.
Today I picked up my bi-weekly greens plus at Urban Oasis Hydroponic Farm. This year’s crops and harvest have been fantastic. Thank you Dave and Cathy et al. Check it out at http://www.urbanoasisfarm.com/.
I am currently working on a letter to Ms. Betty White regarding our BW 1950 and BW 2010. Also I am looking into moving our Blumish Two. Who knows nothing ventured, nothing gained? And just you wait until you see the development of our Tampa Kaleidoscope and Warhol’s Itch quilts and wall hanging and our Glowing afghan.
Viewing companion this morning on my Schwinn 150 - Fringe, Season 1, Episode 3.
If you are reading this blog and just so happen to be somewhere along my route in Australia please feel free to drop me a line at jsmith58@gmail.com. Certainly would welcome it.
Be healthy and enjoy,

I am currently working on a letter to Ms. Betty White regarding our BW 1950 and BW 2010. Also I am looking into moving our Blumish Two. Who knows nothing ventured, nothing gained? And just you wait until you see the development of our Tampa Kaleidoscope and Warhol’s Itch quilts and wall hanging and our Glowing afghan.
Viewing companion this morning on my Schwinn 150 - Fringe, Season 1, Episode 3.
If you are reading this blog and just so happen to be somewhere along my route in Australia please feel free to drop me a line at jsmith58@gmail.com. Certainly would welcome it.
Be healthy and enjoy,
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