Good Day,
This morning I completed another 20.5 miles on my
Schwinn 150 stationary cycle. My total Australian miles are now 407.9, or 656.5 kilometers. My complete Trek now equals 9,025.0 miles, 14,524.4 kilometers.

Today I have started recording my body fat. On my new scale it is 20.0%. And yes I am over 50 years old. The charts state that a good range for Men > 50 is 16-21%. According to Shape Up America! the healthy range of body fat for the average male adult is 13-24%. Now I have to think of a target goal.
I am currently located on Monaro Highway/B23 and I am somewhere south of Noorinbee North and north of Noorinbee. Not much here that appears to be “not-green”. Can I find me a time-machine and reset my destinations?

A large box arrived today at my house, one day earlier than FedEx estimated. I am excited.
If you are reading this blog and just so happen to be somewhere along my route in Australia please feel free to drop me a line at Certainly would welcome it.
Be healthy and enjoy,
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